MovieChat Forums > Gridiron Gang (2006) Discussion > Bug deserved to get killed in a drive-by...

Bug deserved to get killed in a drive-by (end of the movie)

The movie tries to make the viewers like this kid but he once stabbed an elderly woman to rob her. He was a piece of sh*t who deserved to get killed in the end. Sweet karma.


I wouldn't go that far. We don't know the circumstances of what happened before. We are only told what he did.

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


what did we need to know, he stabbed an old woman for her purse.. nothing else needed to be known. He was a POS and once that got said he ceased to be a person that you could have any sympathy for.


LMAO agree kid was a pink and deserves to be beaten and raped for his prior crimes eye for an eye


What if a gang he was in said if you don't get us some money we will kill your family would that give you sympathy?


Let's see you grow up in that kind of poverty, with no good influences in your life and see if you survive any other way. He was a kid, he made bad choices cause he thought there was no other way. No one tries to empathize with these people, they all just deserve it. And that is why they see violence as the only option, lets see how you feel when no one cares about you and thinks you should just die. But given your statements here, it is pretty clear you already have no one that cares for you, why else would be so happy a messed up kid was murdered. Let us all know how it works out for you dying a lonely hateful loser.

Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?


Let's see you grow up in that kind of poverty, with no good influences in your life and see if you survive any other way. He was a kid, he made bad choices cause he thought there was no other way. No one tries to empathize with these people, they all just deserve it. And that is why they see violence as the only option, lets see how you feel when no one cares about you and thinks you should just die. But given your statements here, it is pretty clear you already have no one that cares for you, why else would be so happy a messed up kid was murdered. Let us all know how it works out for you dying a lonely hateful loser.

Guess what you fairy, billions of people around the world grow up in poverty or bad circumstances. The overwhelming majority of them do not stab elderly people and rob them. That is the standard I hold low lives like the character in the movie to, I don't compare them to myself. Most would rather die of starvation than to do something like that. Face it, you can't defend little scumbags like this. You are probably an ex con yourself which is why you stand up for the murderers, rapists and thieves instead of their victims. You should be quarantined by the rest of society or better yet, end up like the character in the movie.
