The n-word to Weathers

I had one problem with the movie, every time I have watched it.
I liked the conflicts between Player 55 "Stevens" on the Barrington team and Willie Weathers, for me it was always about how Willie Weathers was from the wrong side of the tracks and he wasn't good enough to beat player 55. But suddenly he uses the N-word and bang, race is also an issue in the movie, for me it comes right out of the blue, and was unnecessary, we were already rooting for Weathers and the team. Before it was a battle between the team members and their specific background, and trying to better themselves and become more confident, not a race issue.


I was actually thinking the same thing. I do wonder if the race card was a bit overplayed in this movie. Barrington the primary antagonist team was all white, their mouthiest guy making racial slurs, and the protagonist team was mostly black.

I mean, if this is the way it actually was in real life then this is the way it was. But I'm sure Barrington was based on an actual team they played, I do wonder if they were really an all white team and someone actually made racial slurs like that. Ten to one I'm betting they probably didn't and probably had a few black players on their team as well. Of course, I could be wrong.

Either way, these guys had to be pretty talented when you think about it. Its damn hard to whip a team into winning shape in that short a time.


The team in the movie had black players. Plus, STEVENS own white teammate chastised him when he heard it. I personally think STEVENS was just doing all he could to stay in WEATHERS head and took it too far. It's hard to say because even before the audience sees it, there's at least three different interpretations of the line. The writer, the director, and most importantly, the actor. Only they really know...


This whole movie the white people are all dicks and the minorities are all awesome.


Even the white guy that was the hugest advocate of the program or the athletic director of the first school to play the team.


He was about to fold the program and the athletic director of the first school they play says they don't deserve to play and acts pretty dickish until xzibit quotes some bible verses.


True. I keep forgetting the movie vs real life. In real life, the dude was the biggest advocate and the christian school was cool. Still, judge people (and characters) individually, not as a collective. Don't stoop to that level.


The team in the movie had black players. Plus, STEVENS own white teammate chastised him when he heard it.

I don't remember seeing any black players on Barrington. I've seen the movie two or three times too.


Anyone watch this on Netflix? It just popped up on Netflix maybe last week. I watched it and noticed that the n-word was actually removed. Now he just says "I'll be in your face all day loser". No n-word said. Strange.


I just watched the movie on netflix and he said the n-word instead of loser. Maybe you were watching on a kids account or something
