interesting irony

So the guys on the team were all offenders, trying to keep out of gangs and they go up against these teams with arrogant, loudmouth players. At least it was this way in the movie. I don't know how it was during the real games...
Anyway, here's this team of these kids from the "hood" and they're playing against these other teams with players who are physical with them, mouthy with them. Personally, that's how I see gang members acting in my head - arrogant, loudmouth, pushy, rude, insulting. So I thought it was ironic. There are these mostly inner city kids playing against kids "from good neighborhoods and good homes" that are acting that way.
The statement there is that being from "a good home" doesn't make you any better than someone who is not if you act that way.




I guess it also shows that playing football doesn't make you a good person.


Their nemesis, Barrington, were initially a superior team, but had one conspicuously arrogant mouthy ashole #55 Stevens (Woo-Hoo!) but he ultimately got his ass handed to him by a reformed Willie Weathers. Nice.
