MovieChat Forums > The Proposition (2006) Discussion > $2,000,000 ? That's barely the cost of ...

$2,000,000 ? That's barely the cost of an American TV episode...

Is it just really cheap to make a movie in Australia? Or is that figure (in imdb) wrong?


And still better than most American tv shows/movies. Anyway, movies are notoriously cheap to produce in Australia because there's las focus on special effects/cg, there's more a focus in character development in Australian movies.


That's a pretty absurd take on it. The point is that this same film, with the same production values and talent involved, would cost more in the US. It had nothing to do with CGI or action. Even this style of film, even if financed independently, would likely cost at least $5 million. With the tax situations, union regulations, and equipment/location etc. costs, the same film would cost more here. I haven't looked yet at the budget for Hillcoat's other films, but I'm sure his American follow ups had larger budgets even without all the giant robots and superheroes.


I will agree, it is a very good movie. What struck me is that it doesn't *look* cheap. Nothing about it looks or seems low budget at all.


The other thing too is that this isn't a cast of unknowns. They must have been prepared to work for minimal amounts to keep costs down.🐭

