
I would have never thought that it was possible to make a western movie pretentious, but the Australians have proven me wrong.

Now bash me all you can.


- don't worry that's just my signature.



It's a joke. It's all a joke.


I would be interested in reading why the OP thought the film pretentious too.



If anything it's the reverse. In reality criminals usually quote Greek or at least German philosophers and poets in their discussions, but the producers of the movie were afraid that a subtitled film would result in lower revenues.


I'm pretty sure you don't know what pretentious means as you have failed to explain.


Hate to have this thread read like a broken record, but could you please explain how this is pretentious?


OK all, since you keep bugging me.

Pretentious in this case is the way this movie is pretending to be a profound and new "western", while really being nothing more than a vehicle for Cave's instrumental muzak. You can clearly see what came first - the music is the dominatrix here, and all the little story and character this movie has takes the back seat. This is supposed to be viewed as "fresh" and profound and of course many will lap it up.

Hence pretentious. Now tear me to pieces, you "aussie movies good mmmkay" lapdogs you! :D


- don't worry that's just my signature.


what do you expect from someone whose main characterteristics are that he is an idiot and attention seeker?


He's obviously not provocative enough for anyone to bother, which is funny in itself.


Or maybe the movie, pretentious as it is, isn't interesting enough for more people to bother to post on its board, which I think is even funnier.


- don't worry that's just my signature.


Or maybe you just have no real view point and just say things like "the music came first", for no reason and without any thought.


Your reasons make absolutely no sense. You have no idea how to use the term "pretentious" properly, so there is really nothing to respond to.


Agreed. Pretentious is just pretense or pretending. That pretty much defines every movie. There was no ostentatious display of overblown importance though in this film so it should not apply.

I thought it a very thought provoking and highly enjoyable experience. Because it was lacking in such overblown techniques we see too often now in all genres. The OP is just off the mark in both understanding his own argument as well as the film.

If he didn't like it, fine. No skin off my back, heh, but he/she/it really should come up with a less pretentious attempt to trash it.



To the OP the word pretentious means to claim distinction without merit or thereabouts. Clearly you have not seen the film I have just seen this evening. However, you are entitled to your opinion, as am I.

I thought this movie was anything BUT pretentious. It was very sombre at times but striking in its cinematic beauty. I thought the music chosen added to the mounting tension at each an every instance it was used. I think this film was shocking and moving in several key points in the film's story arc. It's severity necessary. Nothing was sensationalized. I also found the relationship between the Captain Stanley and his wife quite sensitive and beautifully played out. Their scenes together were poignant. So many moments resonated with me. The actors were all superb in my opinion; Guy Pearce, Ray Winstone, John Hurt and Emily Watson outstanding. The script was wonderful and given that it was not an overly abundant one, combined with its visuals, it conveyed so much with very little.

I thought it a beautiful and powerful film. To be honest, this western moved me enough to come here and write about it, and, I found this one of the better films to come out of Australia in a long time.
Kudos to John Hillcoat and Nick Cave for his screenplay and for the music score.




The OP is correct, this movie wreaks of pretentiousness...and I would know, I used to be in Mensa ;)


I literally just got done watching this movie and came here to post a topic about how pretentious and irritating this movie was.

I couldn't agree more.
