The Rider Song

Is there any way to get the version of the rider song that was used in the movie


The soundtrack to The Proposition is available on the UK version of Amazon. Nick Cave did the soundtrack. If you are not familiar with his work you should really try some of his other albums. Very talented man. I would recommend Murder Ballads, Let Love in and Henry's Dream.


Yeah I got Murder Ballads and a couple of his other songs. It's badass.


and no more shall we part

his best, and most underrated album


I recommend Abbatior Blues like you wouldn't imagine.
I work at a record store and the amount of people I've played and sold that album to is wicked. Best cd purchase you'll ever make. Bad-ass!!

'Who?' said the cloud that started to cry.
'Where?' said the thunder without a sound.


"I recommend Abbatior Blues like you wouldn't imagine."

Easily his best album, Get Ready for Love is as close to perfection you'll get in a song


Hey, just so ya know, Nick Cave and Warren Ellis just released a 2cd called White Lunar where you can find all the versions of The Rider used in The Propisition as well as Assasination...Coward...Ford and The Road!

'Who?' said the cloud that started to cry.
'Where?' said the thunder without a sound.


that's great news. thx.

We're not soldiers and he's not the enemy. He's a pizza man.
