GUY PIERCE... one of the 10 best living English-speaking actors to have never won an Oscar.


Ray Winstone too.



100% agree! Bale blows!

Everyone thought he was brilliant because of American Psycho and he's been coasting on that reputation ever since. What wasn't realized at the time is that Bale is a one-note guy who can't play any other part. Seriously, he has the range of a shot-putting octogenarian but few people admit (realize?) how bad he sucks.

Plus, you know if he were ever drunk around you, he'd be the type to take a poke at you just to see if you'd flinch.

Awful, he's just awful.


im nt bein a dick or anythin......i luv Guy Pearce but there are way more even better english-speaking actors who hav neva even been nominated like Gary Oldman, Michael Madsen, Cillian Murphy......


Michael Madsen? Explain this choice.


crispin glover


michael madsen is really good in Reservoir Dogs, Thelma & Loise, Kill Bill....
CRISPIN GLOVER? the guy from Back To the Future?


Madsen plays the same role over and over and over, however Pearce is a chameleon...

