MovieChat Forums > The Proposition (2006) Discussion > How did Arthur know what happened to Mik...

How did Arthur know what happened to Mikey?

I saw a reference to another thread somewhere but I can't see it on the board.

So how did he know? I wondered if the woman had been to town to get supplies, or one of the other gang members who wasn't Arthur and might not be known.

We don't see how he finds out though, that I can remember?


It's called spoilers you *beep* *beep*


The hell are you talking about? Charlie tells him at the end in plain English


Aah but Arthur knows that Mikey is a prisoner much earlier, he wakes Charlie up in the cave and obviously knows then. How does he find out?


Clearly Arthur Burns is completely insane and deeply psychotic. In his deranged mind he might have received some vision that Mickey was in danger and that Chalie has lied to him. And remember the words of Arthur Burns.

Love, Love is the key... love and family.

But on the other hand Arthur does sit on the cliff and he might have remarkable eyesight just like Jacko. If that is the case he might have spotted the soldiers and put two and two together.


I don't understand people like you who come to a message board for a movie they haven't seen and then complain about spoilers. Watch the freaking movie and then come check out the message board. Sheesh!

"All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks and that's all." -- Matt Hooper, JAWS


Charlie tells him Mike is dead.

How did arthur know that Charlie had lied to him about where Mike was?


Youll notice earlier after Charlie says Mike shacked up with "Molly", Arthur says "Mary"... Charlie caught this and repeated Molly.

But he knew something was wrong.

"God Hates Us all"


their were a couple scenes cut out that show auther burns to have psychic powers and he knows everything and his head shakes violently like in the film scanners and he also has vietnam flashforwards where he is seen to be hannging about with a cgi image of james coburn,it says this on the dvd extras



My words exactly. I don't understand this whole concept of spoilers here. I would never go to the board of any film I hadn't seen yet if I had any intention of seeing it.


is it necessary to talk about character deaths in a thread TITLE?

what if i had been scrolling down to the recommendations which happen to be just under the message board and glimpsed this thread title?


Charlie tells hims that Mikey is to be hanged on Christmas Day. Before that it might of just been that he knew his brother well enough to know when he's lying.


They left this a mystery, but set it up with the shots of him perching at the cliff all night and also the references to him being "dog", I love this little touch and the mystery of him being some sort of being.
