Ending *spoilers*

Can I just say how happy I am that this show had a happy ending? For one, I decided to marathon it tonight and watch 6 episodes in a row. It's now 3 AM, and if I had gone to sleep feeling depressed, well, it would've been a bad night. I was a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop, and was expecting something along those lines.

That said, I'm really glad that Jin didn't die. If that had been the manner of his death, I wouldn't have been satisfied with it at all. It was fast, and I didn't really feel like he was gone. Obviously he wasn't, so maybe Shinichiro didn't want us to think he was.

And how the *beep* did Mugen survive that explosion without getting hurt? Also, didn't the old lady that was tending to the Sunflower Samurai get stabbed by the Divine Hand guy? She was totally fine.

Anyway, after having a conversation with a good friend about how much I like sad endings, I was really glad that this one was happy. It's made my night. :)

Awesome anime. I need another one to watch, now. Something similar to these. I've seen Trigun and it was alright, but I donno, I want something as awesome as SC and Cowboy Bebop. Oh Mr. Watanabe..please come out with another anime soon. :)


Agreed! I thought it ended perfectly.

Om Mani Padme Hum


that was not an old lady, that was an old man and he wasn't stabbed by the divine hand guy, he has hit in the stomach with the hilt of the sword.


loved the series, but i respectfully disagree.

i didnt like the ending in the least.
had they simply wandered off together, it would have been another story.
But it seems like they would still have government assassins being sent after them - theres a myriad of reasons why they might - and given that Fuu is ... well, Fuu, and neither of the two fellas have their main weapons (broken swords arent much use, and likely expensive to repair/replace).... Well, it just seems like there is ALOT more story there, to me at least.

Could it have ended worse? Yes
Could it have ended better? Yes, I think so.
Could it have made at LEAST another season? Unquestionably.

Edit Note: I only just realized that, at the end, they have new weapons; which definitely improves Mugen/Jin's surival chances I suppose. However - I cant remember at the moment what Jin's new blade is, but - Mugen's new weapon is what appears to be a european straight blade (iirc, something like a shortsword), and I have serious difficulty believing he would be as proficient with that weapon as he would have been with a blade that was more 'elegant' (ie, his old blade).


"But it seems like they would still have government assassins being sent after them."

No. Jin just took out Kariya Kagetoki, the government's TOP assassin. If I was the government, I would give up at that point. They managed to get rid of Fuu's father anyway.

As for Mugen and Jin's new weaopons, they have both demonstrated their combat capabilities time and time again without even using weapons at all, or even just a cup or a toothpick. I'm sure they could manage, even without their precious swords.


I was most annoyed by the fact that it was Fuu who initiated the split. I actually think that by the end of the series, Mugen and Jin wouldn't necessarily object to traveling together. And as much as I love Fuu, that was one of the most idiotic ideas she's ever had... Time and time again, she has proven that she is incapable of surviving on her own for more than a few minutes. How many times was she kidnapped? During the end credits, I was half-expecting someone to leap behind a tree and kidnap her. That would have sadly been accurate.

Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kind of questions I don't want to answer.


That was my initial reaction as well. But then, I remembered "how many times have they separated just to see each other again?"


That was my initial reaction as well. But then, I remembered "how many times have they separated just to see each other again?"


Can't stop the signal.


Mugen was about to die but he came back when he heard Fuu calling for him.



I agree -- though to be honest, if Jin and Mugen had died right after they each broke their swords in their "fight", that would have been a badass ending.

Though I was upset that they didn't continue on together.
