The mushroom episode

Am I correct in assuming that this entire episode consisted of the gang tripping on shrooms? I mean, the entire episode didn't make a single bit of sense. Was it hallucinations caused by those mushrooms?

Sometimes, the best answer is a more interesting question.


I just watched this episode and came to the same conclusion. I kinda like the way there was no explanation at the end. Leaves you thinking "what the hell?!?"


I hate the mushroom episode. Cowboy Bebop had a bad mushroom episode too, and I refuse to watch either of them.


That's funny, the episode that you refuse to watch is my personal favorite.


That is funny. Tastes differ so widely-I actually think the mushroom episode is one of those love it or hate it things. I also hate the baseball episode-just hate it and I won't watch that one either.


I didn't really care for the baseball episode either. It did make me burst out laughing a few times. But, other than that, meh.
I just realized it looked like I was talking about the Samurai Champloo episode when I said it was my favorite. It's the Cowboy Bebop episode that's my favorite. The Samurai Champloo episode was just OK. I could pick a half a dozen other episodes that I liked more than that one.


What's wrong with the Cowboy Bebop mushroom episode?

That was the first one my sister showed to me when we were younger and I thought it was great.

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


Nobody is saying anything is WRONG with it-I'm just saying I hate it. Don't you allow for personal likes and dislikes?


It was a better episode that given credit for. It was literally a mushroom episode.

- We're told that life on Earth possibly cam from space and landed here on a meteor. Jin tells us that Mushrooms spread by releasing their spores into the air to land and continue.

-Jin and Mugen eat Mushrooms and are unable to avoid the fall.

-The zombies come out of the ground like mushrooms.

- The mushroom explosion from the meteor...

June 14, 2013; The Return of the King \S/
