It's on Netflix!

Great news for fans who have Netflix, but don't own the series and haven't seen it in a while. It's now available to be streamed online - no disc shipping necessary!

I've recently gotten back into this show, and forgot how much I enjoyed it.



Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to watch it for the first time this weekend.



Most of the anime I love came from DVDs I rented from Blockbuster (Cowboy Bebop) or Netflix (Trigun, Death Note, Darker Than Black).

Glad to hear they're streaming Champloo! Yeah, Netflix is rather cool, isn't it? :)

Off topic, but it looks like they may be working on streaming anime and other foreign products in their original language, which I love. I speak some Japanese and watch my anime in that language, understanding half of what they are saying (so far), the subtitles filling in the rest. There are a couple of shows that I want to see, but would rather not have to wait for the DVDs, so it would be great if Netflix would stream them in the original language.

A friend of mine streamed Death Note in Japanese, let's hope this is the wave of the future - choice in language of streamed anime!

I too am childish and hate to lose.



It does. They deliberately change dialog to make the English (or other language) voices match the Japanese mouth flaps. I would say MOST of the time the changed dialog means the same thing as the original, but sometimes they change it to something that has no relation to the original line, sometimes they ADD stuff or drop lines. I've seen all this with Cowboy Bebop.

Of course, sometimes the subtitles go bad too - Cowboy Bebop blu ray took 2 perfectly good subtitles and changed them to something else. In one occasion it ruined a perfectly good joke. On another, the new subtitle was changed to mean the complete opposite of what was originally said.

I even found an oops in Death Note. Not sure why it read what it read, but it was obviously not what the character said. Well, at least part of it wasn't. That had me scratching my head. xD

I too am childish and hate to lose.
