This show is so odd

It's so... I don't know, it's structured really strangely. It never really feels like there's any movement in the story. I'm up to the last 3 episodes now, and I don't feel like anything's been accomplished. The sunflower samurai's identity was pretty much the most logical conclusion from the beginning, so that was no surprise. The characters don't seem to have grown at all throughout the journey. Nothing's really happened.
It's sort of like an action sit-com or something, with how little development there seems to be (I don't mean that in an insulting way though).

Don't get me wrong, I do like the show, and some scenes are just bloody brilliant, but as a whole... I don't know, it's so odd. Like, just when you think an actual story arc is emerging, it ends abruptly and we're back to slightly absurd stand-alones.

I'm just wondering, does anyone else feel this way? Pretty much every time I watch an episode I'm left just thinking, for better or worse, "this is a damn weird show..."



Yes, this is an odd and weird show, but this makes it so...YESS, unique.

Really an Awesome anime.



I agree with everyone else, it's the fact that it's an odd piece of work that makes it so fun to watch an unique. Sure the main story can sometimes feel non-existent, but I think the characters changed throughout the journey, not a whole lot though.

I think since the overall story is so simple and Fuu doesn't seem to be in such a hurry makes it OK to give each episode its own story. I kinda always saw it as just an excuse to get these 3 characters together at first, and it pretty much was, but it sure had a hell of a last couple episodes. It's definitely my favorite series.


I see it as a picaresque. Here's an online definition -

Picaresque: of or relating to rogues or rascals; also : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist

Rogues and rascals, I like that. Also our three rogues, at least until they meet the charming Dutchman, have no idea where they're going; they're just wandering. Every excuse for episodic adventures.


Very unique anime, thats for sure.
Im really not a fan of most anime - or japanese culture for that matter - which makes a double-decker surprise that Id rate this pretty high in terms of animated things worth watching. Setting, cool. Characters, compelling. Story, awesome fading into somewhat bland. The first ~10 episodes will have you hooked.

... Uuuunfortunately, its rather short - though that seems to be the standard with the anime Ive encountered and at least partially enjoyed. If im thinking clearly (no gaurantee) Trigun, Bebop, Outlaw Star... all ended in around 26 episodes. And all had kinda meh endings, if I do say so myself. And I do. Full Metal Alchemist went like double the standard, but then (instead of actually finishing their story) they made a (pretty badass) movie that left the characters in time-space limbo and started a manga adaptation (big bummer, since I cant stand the manga ;_;).

Where Sam. Champloo kinda blew it for me is the ending. Literally, the whole series I found enjoyable, right up to that ending.
I just didnt like it - I felt like a storyline had ended and another season should be starting up. It certainly didnt feel worthy of a series ender - not only was it rather anti-climactic, but it really seemed unnecessary to me. There was more story there, and it just felt to me like they were too damn lazy to put it together and instead chose to force an ending - which really didnt make a whole ton of sense at the time : considering they just murdered several high-ranking GOVERNMENT assassins, you would think the 15y/o girl might want to stick around her body guards ? The big-bad assassin (the one Jin kills) is supposed to kill the Sunflower Samurai's family too ... so, isnt she just kind of a sitting duck now if the Gov sends another (group of) assassin(s)?
Not that the other two, on their own, will likely do much better. FFS, one of the last things Jin says is that those two are the ONLY FRIENDS HES EVER HAD! why then, for no apparent reason, are the three of them so keen to just wander off alone? For some stupid 'their journeys continue' crap?
Dude in charge has said theres no plans for a sequel (though in typical douche fashion, says he wont rule it out), which just makes the ending all the more of a kick to the nards.

And whats with anime and ending right at a pivotal moment? Trigun did this, and I am to-this-day pissed that we dont get to witness the PURE EPIC WIN that would be a single conversation between Millie and Knives. I already mentioned the dimensional-shift = we-dont-have-to-write-an-ending that Full Metal Alch pulled; but that show was so whacked out, I honestly wouldnt have been surprised if at the end they just said 'The world got alchemized in a big bang... Oh, look, dinosaurs! Rawr!'.
Listen, I realize you CAN end your telling of a story before the story itself is really finished... but why WOULD you? To leave fans wondering? Wtf kind of fun is wondering? For that matter, wtf kind of storyteller are you? "Its so youll use your imagination!" F%$* THAT! D:< I havent spent several hours watching characters that you painstakingly drew, enacting a story that youve concocted, only for the end result to be you telling me 'Now YOU decide what happens.... IN YOUR MIND!XD'. If I want to make up a story, Ill make up my own characters and setting - not try to fanfic yours to hell and back in a meager attempt to gain some closure. Quit expecting your fans to finish you jobs for you.

Oh, and Samurai Champloo is like, I dunno, my third favorite anime series. Right behind Bebop and Trigun.
Maybe the second.
Hell, it may be the best, depending on the day. Watch it, if you havent already.
Break-dancing swordsman... Nuff said.


i love you for this post lol.


Yeah, it's a win! Thanks for the post, sun_scryer, otherwise I would have missed it.

Spike! My precious


Don't forget about the father ending which I found completely infuriating.

I mean, yeah the show is good as a stand a lone without plot development for 80% of the anime (Which I can understand where the topic starter is getting at, some character development and plot development would be nice for 20% of the anime). But seriously, at the end, the sun flower samurai just dies...

Direct quote:
"Fuu... I haven no right to ask forgiveness... I don't deserve it. But you should know, not a single day has passed since I thought of you and your mother. PLEASE FORGIVE ME." *DEATH* <--- Contradicted and so...

WHAT THE *beep*!?!



"Tons" is definitely arguable. And if the journey was just about 3 random people getting to know each other in random events, not the most appealing premise.



When you relate it to hip hop, yes, the premise of the series definitely fits into that category. I can understand and respect that growing as a person by random encounters is meaningful. It's different. Just personally I don't like the style of it that much.

But you summed up the series quite well and thank you for that.



I had the feeling that I didn't really understand the show up to about ep 9, there I didn't think it was too bad for an anime. Most great anime(s) take quite a while to understand up to maybe about the second, yeah... it depends on how long that anime has been running.

If this answers your question, yes I DID find this show pretty odd after I watched it. Yes, it's not really a kids anime compared to other anime out there and its violence and gore doesn't seem too underrated as Cowboy Bebop is. I get this strange feeling that THAT anime was Bogus! Maybe not for little children, but maybe mature enough for young kids (around 10) and it DID have themes for teens...

FYI: As for Samurai Champloo, yeah it had the right to be aimed towards more mature and audience.

"Are you MAD? I am your daughter" - Anne


You said it yourself man. It's an Action Sit Com. Think about it. Most of the episodes are them just showing up to a town and then dealing with the people and situations they find in that town. Yeah theres a side story. Theres the story of Jin's past that comes up several times....there is the story of Mugen's past that comes up several times and they even get involved with all his crap....and yeah their is Fuu's journey and story as well.

But overall yeah...its an Action Sit least I believe it is.
