MovieChat Forums > Candy (2006) Discussion > Candy vs. Requiem for a Dream

Candy vs. Requiem for a Dream

Just wondering which movie everyone thinks is better? I personally think Candy is alot better and more realistic. I just saw Requiem for the second time after watching Candy and I don't think it is that great of a movie but it is ALWAYS mentioned among favorites with people. But that's just my opinion. Anyone else?


Requiem is definently the better film. Acting(although Heath and Abbie were quite good in this), music, cinematography they were all superior in Requiem IMO.

This is not to say Candy isn't a great film also. I gave Requiem a 10 and Candy an 8.

I can definently see though where some might hold Candy as their personal favorite.

Baby, when I walk out that door I walk out alone in the dark. --Ray


I liked Candy much more than Requiem. Requiem didn't really do anything for me. I'm sure a lot of people loved it, but I didn't. Although, I must admit I loved the scenes with the mom who thought she was going to be on tv and her fridge was going to eat her...

"Let's put a smile on that face"
RIP Heath <3


Both did a good job of portraying drug addiction but Candy was much more realitstic and overall was a much better film in my opinion

You've never seen a movie 'til you've seen it twice.


Candy is much more realistic. In Requiem it was just too far the mom took so many pills (who really would do that if they weren't an addict thinking it was okay) and it always showed their pupils dilating after doing heroin which is the opposite of what happens.....


"how the mom took so many pills (who really would do that if they weren't an addict thinking it was okay)" what? she was an addict, obviously, so it was realistic that a lonely old woman who wasn't so bright would overindulge on pills, then become so addicted she wouldn't have realized how far she had gone. It's true that the use of pupils dilating is incorrect, but does it really matter? I think the portrayal of drug addiction was more realistic in requiem, as in candy they still looked pretty throughout the movie and the drug's toll on their souls and psyches weren't as profound and haunting as in requiem.


Welcome to the 1970s, when amphetamines were prescribed by doctors as diet pills and no one knew the repercussions of housewives taking such meds regularly. Listen to "Mother's Little Helper", by The Rolling Stones. "Requiem" showed the users' eyes dilating and constricting, depending on the sequence in question. It was not always the same sequence shown for each drug interaction. Harold & company were snorting cocaine and shooting heroin at random intervals. Nothing in the film was far-fetched. Everyone had his/her own idea of happiness, and how to obtain it. No one could achieve his/her goal. THAT's realism.


How can you say that Candy is RFaD lite? It is in no way easier to access, and to connect with, and all that *beep* that RFaD is "not for the regular movie goer" has to stop. I'm a fanatic moviegoer and my friends are not, but they loved RFaD because amongst all the intense camera shots, the story was easy to understand. After we watched Candy a friend called me and asked me why we watched it, and I said that I thought it was a great movie and the response was that my friend had been thinking about that movie for two weeks and felt depressed and lonely. That's what I call dramatic effect. Still, I can't help to feel that these movies shouldn't be compared, if you would compare RFaD to Spun it would make more sense.

I absolutely love RFaD, not because the story was easy and not because it was intense, but because I know that it is realistic. On the other hand, Candy became one of my favorite movies after I realized that Dan and Candy would still be poisonous to each other without the drugs.

My English may be very bad, but my Swedish is really good:)


Totally agree!
Requiem is much darker, much scarier, I think.
I like this movie and love Requiem!


Well The Fountain was directed by Requiem director Aronofsky; but how could anyone say Requiem was forgettable with Ellen Burstyn's amazing performance? I'm still shocked that Julia Roberts won the Oscar against her; Erin Brockovich was a one dimensional character: all Julia did was yell and act sassy. But that's off topic, oh well.


Requiem for a Dream is definitely a better movie overall, but Candy does a better job at connecting with you emotionally. You care more for the lead characters in Candy.


I thought Candy was better by FAR.

I bought Requiem for $5 because I'd heard how "wonderful" it was, and I watched it twice just to try to understand why.
I usually like "out there" films, but Requiem was just too much. As though they were trying to be unique and odd. I threw it in the trash just yesterday.

Candy, IMO, is much more realistic, much better written, and much, much better acted.

And the Zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy.


i think candy is better. more true to life, less abstract and not relying on cinemagraphics to tell the story. it is very meaningful and a movie anyone should be able to relate to.


Requiem: a hardcore movie. as a whole, better performances, more graphic, and because it was so dark, generally more powerful. score was a little better.

symbolism, cinematography and plot was about equal

Candy: an art movie. brilliance is born through chemestry here. the characters charged with still excellent performances interacted so realistically as young lovers on a path to obvlivion. this made the destruction drugs caused so intensely vivid

the things both films did better, the other film extremely close. in all, i prefered candy, because, tho requeim will leave you heavily disturbed, candy i felt was beautiful AND emotionally inflictive




I choose ''Requiem'' although i really liked ''Candy''. ''Requiem'' was the bomb visually. I haven't seen many films that were as intense like ''Requiem''. It was so good that they completely ripped it off in ''Spun''. If ''Requiem'' wasn't made there would be no ''Spun''.

I was passing out when you were passing out your rules


Requiem is bettter for reasons far to numerous to count

"You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake."




requiem = hollywood
candy = truth

those who like requiem better don't understand about drug addiction.
if you were affected by it, candy will mean so much more to you.

it's understandable a lot of people would relate more to requiem because it's so hard to understand this topic until you already have an understanding of it


Hubert Selby was a poser Hollywood whore iow. This board is very twisted.


Im a former drug addict and i like Requiem better.


those who like requiem better don't understand about drug addiction.
if you were affected by it, candy will mean so much more to you.

Wow! I was amazed at just how wrong I found this statement. Candy was a great movie, but Requiem turned my stomach, stuck with me, truly affected me. I liked Requiem more by far. Fyi: I was a heroin addict for +20 years who now helps other addicts.

"Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive."


+100. Such an absurd comment!

I would sit in silence for at least 20 minutes when 'Requiem' would finish - the climax at the last 10 minutes is almost unbearable. Funny how you can be so entranced by a movie and how it relates to you, yet you go out and buy more drugs after it has played. That is the nature of addiction, being out of control of your actions, because your brain is rationalising irrational decisions. That is when you are *beep*

The characters in Candy were great. But 85% of it was what someone else stated - drama/romance with drug addiction involved.

I also think it is important to distinguish a 'drug' film to one that revolves entirely around different forms of addiction (in addition to the pills, the mother seemed to have a habit for TV as well).

Two very different things.

"Back.... And to the left."


In Requiem the dilating of the pupils after shooting smack was highly irritating. Happens when you do cocaine and a director doing a drug movie should know and done it right. Aint that much in research, just go ask your junkie on the corner, and adds lots to the credability.
Apart from that little lapsus requiem was a superb movie displaying a realistic look into the behaviour patterns of drug adicts.
Was it better than Candy? It sure took a different path, while Candy led us closer to the protagonists by playing the love card. Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish built up great chemistry and tension between them, but so did Jared Leto and Jenny Connelly, just a bit colder, and warmth is about the first thing you loose when you embrace the needle.
Best to watch them both, and more than once, for they are extremely good pieces of cinema.
And yes, Ellen Burstyn should of won that goddamn Oscar instead of crappy Julia Roberts, who in nothing she ever did (and will do) came even close to Ellen's performance.
