MovieChat Forums > Candy (2006) Discussion > A few questions(Possible Spoilers)

A few questions(Possible Spoilers)

I haven't seen this yet, I want to though. I LOVE Heath Ledger, and still can't believe he's gone. I have read about the movie though, and I have a few questions and thoughts about the movie. Think it's possible that Casper got Dan addicted to heroin? Did Dan ever suffer from depression? I read something about a baby, did Dan and Candy Have a baby? I read something about a stillbirth. Did Dan and Candy have a baby that died? Another thing: I'ms assuming heroin is just as illegal in Australia, as it is in the US?


Well your post is from a while ago so not sure if you've seen it yet... hopefully you have... it's a decent film... and if you like Ledger then I'm sure you'll enjoy it for him

I'm not sure why you'd want to be spoiled before seeing it... but in answer to your questions...

It's never really established how Dan became addicted... he lives with Casper and Casper's his dealer... so you could lean to that conclusion

Yes Dan (and Candy) were most likely highly depressed in order to live the lives they did

Yes they lose their baby

Yes heroin is illegal here
