Saddest part of this movie

when recruiting an outfielder for the softball game
the woman in the wheelchair was clearly being overlooked
it wasn't funny and sure as hell wasn't clever


What, were they going to choose a 'disabled' woman to play outfield? I guess you'd choose a mentally 'disabled' person to be on your debate team. You'd make one terrible baseball coach.


**when recruiting an outfielder for the softball game
the woman in the wheelchair was clearly being overlooked
it wasn't funny and sure as hell wasn't clever**

But it is a realistic reaction that most people would have, unfortunately. That scene reminded me of The Office.


I thought it was funny. He was trying to act as if he didn't see her raising her hand (instead of coldly dismissing her), because he really wants to win the game and he doesn't think he'll do that with a handicapped person in the outfield, but he doesn't want to come off like a jerk.

Best movie ever:


Better than saying, "You can't play, cause you can't walk."

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive...


No one said life was fair.....


I have always thought it is sad that the DMV won't issue drivers licences to blind people.

If you love Cheezits 100% copy this and make it your signature.


Sometimes I think they do..................
