That stupid security guard!

The main problem I had with this movie was with the big, fat, stupid black security guard. This character was totally unbelievable with his idiotic behavior. To think that this moron even knows how to run video surveillance equipment requires a good suspension of disbelief. The ending was rushed, as the big oaf runs out and stops the award proceedings and just happens to have the evidence tape all set up. But the worst thing about the security guard character was that he was actually in charge of giving stars to the Superstore employees! Security guards DO NOT mix with store employees in this manner. They are TOTALLY SEPARATE entities! Security never crosses over like that, the "star" job should have been given to Dirk who was second in command of the store. Even the personnel lady would have made more sense doing that job than the guard.

Also, companies like this do not segregate their employees to only allow certain castes in the employee lounge. These lounges are for everyone. Other than my complaints, I found the rest of it fun and entertaining. That clubhouse in the shelf merchandise was classic.



Signatures are stupid...


I agree with you.
I hated the ending so much. It made me hate this movie so much. Dane Cook's character was an ass and lazy. Why couldn't Dax Shepard's character just be a hard worker?
Why did the security guard never notice before? Why did no one else notice before so many product where missing from the revenue? Why was he working (which he really wasn't working just watching in the event in the security room) on the job when all the other employees were invited to the party?
The movie could of been a little better if Dan Cook just lost, and Jessica Simpson was just like I told you before I don't care about who is employee of the month.
Even if its just a movie, I hated it. This movie had so many problems.Glad I'm not the only person that thinks so.


Any time someone says in reply to a complaint about a movie, "It's just a movie", what they are really saying is they are jealous that you have been able to notice details they didn't. It is them trying to bring you down to their level. Some people aren't happy with staring into the walls, they think about things and that is what smart people do.

This movie was poor, but they really botched and rushed the ending with lazy writing. If they needed more screen time they could have cut easily one of those courting scenes.


"Any time someone says in reply to a complaint about a movie, "It's just a movie", what they are really saying is they are jealous that you have been able to notice details they didn't. It is them trying to bring you down to their level. Some people aren't happy with staring into the walls, they think about things and that is what smart people do. "

erm... no. What we are saying is that when you watch a movie you are asked to suspend realism. There are very few films which play out like real life. The OP here is complaining about a stereotypical charecter. He was written like this because he comes off as likeable but simple... we just have to accept his place in this fantasy.

There are films that merit introspective consideration... but not this one. Whilst films are an interesting way to convey ideas, it is not the only one and people do tend to really overanalyse what was never meant to be that deep.

At the end of the day, its just a movie. Its just meant to entertain you for a while. Thats it...


To the people who spent months and years sometimes just writing it, it is never "just a movie". If you can't take the time to look past the flicking lights and the smell of popcorn, then don't be jealous of the people who can.


I doubt anyone involved with this film was expecting people to be trying to look for some deeper hidden meaning. I will happily sit there and try to look into films more, when its worth doing... I am not going to watch Dude wheres my car and consider the moral implications that their actions would have. But I am not going to sit in front of something like Pans Labryrinth and switch off. If there is something there to interest you past whats happening on screen thats fine. But not all movies will fit that.

This was just a movie.


trapdoor - I think you meant to say - this was just a TERRIBLE movie


trapdoor you are my favourite poster on IMDb now. You just said something I was about to say. A comedy with is premise isn't based on the realm of possibility. You people think a slacker is gonna get a large wakeup call and decide to win over some chick he will change his life and work style? Nope.

A large majority of movies are fantasy and you're supposed to forget realism. If we are going to criticize this movie for being unrealistic, why stop there? Let's criticize The Dark Knight, King Kong, Transformers for how unrealistic they are! People just grow a brain.

"That which is eternal cannot die. But if it's any consolation sweet Alex, THAT HURT LIKE HELL!"


RE: wifeofjoebear

"The movie could of been a little better if Dan Cook just lost, and Jessica Simpson was just like I told you before I don't care about who is employee of the month."

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Even though I would have felt worse if he lost. He pretty much just should have. And then for Jessica to say exactly that. It just fits and makes it a more realistic ending, and less of a Hollywood sap story happy ending. But eh. Still good. 9/10.


Why did the security guard never notice before? Why did no one else notice before so many product where missing from the revenue?
What set it off was ALL employee eyes were on Dane & Dax's character during the "shop off" or whatever its called. The security guard only noticed it then because A. he won & was friends with Dane's character, B. no customers around, C. The receipt totals were different for the same items!

I think its pretty self explanatory.

Harsh Times: 9/10
Munich: 7/10
Balls of Fury: 5/10


Awww he was cute... and kind of obviously mentally challenged so for that reason you're pretty rude. And I agree, it is JUST a movie. And a mediocre movie at that, even though I LOVE Dane Cook.

But Semi was SO cute. I think he needed a hug... because he got *beep* on. Poor thing. And all of that candy trade... I think they should've traded salads or something. Not specifically in Semi's case or that mexican lady's case but seriously, working with food in bulk all day ... not the best thing.


The reason the security guard was in charge of the stars, is to illustrate how important the value of being 'employee of the month' is for the characters. For the same reason, the stars were locked in a safe - do you really think that would happen in real life too? Ofcourse it was exaggerated a lot, like the whole movie was.


I wondered if the OP was joking when he commented on how exaggerated the film is and the rush save ending
I assume hes never seen the competition/lovestory/comedy film genre. Where at the end JUST when it looks as if the hero may lose someone rushes in with amazing documentation which destroys the rival's chance of winning
Its an age old comedic device which wallows in its absurdity.
Thats the whole point...
The same way the super store sells caskets right on the self, or climbing the shelves is acceptable and throwing a quart of motor oil at stacked products are acceptable behavior and allowed by the management.
The movie is absurd on purpose
Hope that helps


I wondered if the OP was joking when he commented on how exaggerated the film is and the rush save ending
I assume hes never seen the competition/lovestory/comedy film genre. Where at the end JUST when it looks as if the hero may lose someone rushes in with amazing documentation which destroys the rival's chance of winning
Its an age old comedic device which wallows in its absurdity.
Thats the whole point...
The same way the super store sells caskets right on the self, or climbing the shelves is acceptable and throwing a quart of motor oil at stacked products are acceptable behavior and allowed by the management.
The movie is absurd on purpose
Hope that helps

