Degragation of the black man

Is it a coincidence that a Black man was cast as the retarded security guard ... I THINK NOT.

Thats sarcasm BTW.


HAHA... good one


Hah! I knew better than to look!


I'm not saying i don't agree, i don't thinks its that big a deal, no more so than the geeky white family man in soul plane, but i think you meant to say Degradation of the black man, also i know that mindless comedies starring dane cook are always where i look for my social commentary and deeper microcosms of real life, i mean as far as the intrusion of plastic surgery on middle class american women goes, i know good luck chuck is going to be my first source in a major article i'm writing for who gives a damn weekly


He was the only one clever enough to bust Vince (Dax Shepard) at the end of the movie. Pretty sweet revenge for the way Vince treated him...


yeah, i think it was a coincidence. why are you making a big deal out of nothing? if it was a white person, nobody would be asking if it was a coincidence.


Does that mean that any time any character who happens to be black is cast as less than the combination of Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa, it's due to racism? C'mon, go find conspiracies where they belong.


I love how everyone is STILL not reading the part at the bottom that BLATANLY SAYS IT WAS SARCASM, YOU SILLY SILLY FOOLS.


I did not know he was retarded, just incredibly fat. He also saved the hero's butt at the end of the movie, by doing some fast thinking.



Ok, he was the security guard, and he wasn't cast as the brightest bulb in the lot -but you could also look at it another way: HE was the one who spotted the cheating and theft, and brought it to the attention of the manager and his brother -and saved the day.

Its a mindless comedy, and was a fun movie to watch. Take it as such.


eh, that's OK. The chubby HR girl does favors for Butterfingers. Hilarious. Get it? Cuz she's chubby!

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Yeah, and the nerve of making Andy Dick into a geeky blind nerd appauls me's a movie......
