MovieChat Forums > Employee of the Month (2006) Discussion > Extremely stupid question waiting to be ...

Extremely stupid question waiting to be answered.

From where I come from, we have no such things as "box boys", so what are they? What do they do, bag groceries?

I think I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before.


all they really do is just face the store ( which is where u make things look straight and clean) and you really deliver boxes to registers so ppl have boxes to carry their items in.

and occaisonally you help ring up.



It's just the guy/gal who bags your groceries and offers to take them to your car.


actually, its the guy who asks "paper or plastic" in grocery stores.

No offence, my uncle used to tell his kids that if they dont do well in school, they'll end up asking "paper or plastic" or even flip burgers...


That's what ogreeley said...

Make not war


It's the same thing as "Bag Boys" , just they use boxes instead of bags... to save the company money on bag costs.


I see, well, in my country the cashier does the bagging and the counting/collecting of money, and you have to carry your own stuff to your car lol. Thanks for answering, people.

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.
