About Lahey...

Ive never laughed harder than when Lahey gives Bubbles the whole *beep* hawk" speech.

"They're flyin in low, swooping down, *beep* on people and dragging them back to *beep* nest"

Followed by the walking backwards chugging of the mickey and topped off by Bubbles hilarious mouthing of "What the F*c*" as a reaction to Laheys drunken antics.

This is my favorite scene in the movie and IMO most certainly the funniest.


One of my favorite quotes from TPB, of all time, was in the first season, episode 5. Lucy was pestering Julian, leaving voicemails. He shakes his head, says "I need some advice. I gotta go see Bubbles." So simple, but just kills me when I think of that, and Bubbs' subsequent "Noble Lie" speech.

In fact, since that scene, everytime I get myself into a serious situation, I think to myself "I gotta go see Bubbles.". I even said it outloud once; my co-worker asked, "Who the hell is Bubbles?"


**** sucker called it the noble lie


Birds of a siht feather line from S6 is my fav.

...top 50 http://www.imdb.com/list/ls056413299/
