Just worked on the film

If anyone has any questions, just let me know!


I just want to know what's Ur impression on Gong Li??


how is julie delpy? how was working with her? saw her in an interview a couple of weeks ago and she seems like a really cool person!


Julie Delpy is actually quite weird.. everytime I asked her if she wanted water, she would say "yes!" and then I would get it and she would say "no!".. She was just a little off center I would say.. Other than that, very ethereal and sweet


Didn't work with Gong Li, sorry!


When will the movie be available?


how amazing was the editing and working on the film with no tape and with the new final cut HD? i just read an article from apple.com about the whole process and am completely bewildered about this new techonology. did it make things a whole lot easier? did the production costs lower alot since you guys didn't use any tape? i'm very curious as to how this film was made and edited. thanks!


When will the movie be released? I know 1 of the actresses (not gonna say who) and I'm really excited to see the movie. Thanks so much!!



Just worked on the film? You must not have been with it from the start then.

Julie Delpy was alright, I didnt get to speak with her too much. I know some people around set had mixed opinions of her, but I had no issue with her at all. Justin Theroux, was very cool. I was glad that I got to meet him. Mark Boone is a great person as well.

The HD footage looks amazing, the footage that I have seen in the editing room looked simply amazing. I was there when they shot the green screen effects they talked about in the apple article and it was amazing to see how fast they were able to test the effects.

Script wise, the movie looks really good. I am from Princeton, Mass where the story originated from so my opinions may be a little biased on that one.


jon!!! hey!!!

"You'll miss 100% of the chances you never take."


Hey! I was a PA too! See ya Friday.


Yeah, I only worked on it for a few days. Moody Street Pictures (where they edited it) is downstairs from the school that I work at.. I am watching some of the film right now (the DP is teaching a class here) and it is just gorgeous..


There actually was tape, techincally. I had to lock the camera truck until the tapes were brought to Zach.


I'm not sure about the background info on the editing, all I know is that as soon as we shot a scene, they would have it right on John's laptop.. It was really amazing actually.. they were editing WHILE filming!!


I am actually watching it right now (the cinematographer of the movie is teaching a class at our school).. I know that right now it is in the festival circuit, so I'm not sure if it has been picked up yet..


How did you get credit for it on imdb?
I worked on it as a PA...
but my name isn't on here.

"You'll miss 100% of the chances you never take."



Close. It's Stevie.
I'll be there!
I hope she'll be there!

"You'll miss 100% of the chances you never take."


hey this is taylor right?
good seeing you at the screening last night!
whats ur screenname?
mine is umassbluangel
im me anytime

"You'll miss 100% of the chances you never take."


The film is horrible. Were you a PA? Sounds like it.
