Mark Wahlberg racist

After listening to John Singleton's commentary on this film, I can't help but think of Mark Wahlberg as a racist. The director wanted the actors to adlib with funny one liners - maybe for the sake of authenticity and comedic effect, but Mark's comments just seemed stereotypical and cruel.


It's called acting.


i have heard that in his teen days, Mark was involved with racial assaults. Not sure if it is true, but u could prob find out with Google


He wouldn't act in a movie with black people if he was racist. Gotta be the stupidest thing I've heard In days


You have no idea what racism is.

Need a new signature?
Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)


Pull ur head outta ur idiot asss


Shut the hell up!! SMH.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



i love mark wahlberg, but yeah, i wouldnt be shocked. given his actions as a youth and where he's from

what were mark's adlibs?


And there's plenty of black actors I'm sure who hate whitey..Who gives a shit! Oh Jussie Smolet, he's a fucking winner. He was so fucking stupid, they debunked his story in 7 minutes.
