Sarah Michelle Gellar

Do you think that this film would have been better if they continued the story of Karen and somehow made it more revolved around her and Kayako's background. I really liked the first movie just because Buffy is in it ;)

Another thing! It bothered me so much that Karen kept saying "I know how to stop it, i know how to stop it, i need to go back to the house".

What was she talking about? Weren't you curious of what she thought would stop the curse?


As much as I liked SMG in The Grudge, I much much MUCH preferred the story in The Grudge 2, involving Amber Tamblyn. Honestly, SMG is adorable, and a total delight to watch, but I LOVED the ending with AT. So kind of yes and no to your question. :P


Huge Buffy fan here too, so yes I think the movie would have been better if she made it at least 2/3rds into the movie. I still do like her dying, made for a nice shock. She just bit it too early.
