MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > Has anyone seen this alternate ending?

Has anyone seen this alternate ending?

I happen to like it a LOT better. Makes the ending way creepier.




It was WTF, but not in a good way IMO. It's an OK ending, however killing Allison so stupidly and quickly was quite disappointing.

I like this one quite better. The second ending with Mrs Davis dying isn't very good though, quite laughable actually.




I agree, Allison's death was pretty laughable in the original cut. Getting pulled down into a hoodie? Come on. I realize most of the scenes in The Grudge 1 and 2 where victims suddenly disappear into thin air border on the ridiculous, especially repeated ad nauseum, but to have Allison go like that after all she'd been through was just a waste of time. This was far creepier, as any scene with Kayako bearing quickly down on two victims terrified out of their wits is automatically creepy, and it leaves you wondering how Jake and Allison died.

This epilogue wasn't bad either I thought. That bitch got what she deserved for treating Aubrey the way she did, but the effect of her jaw stretching open looks like a cheap video game.

You are a whore, darlin'! We all are. We take the cash, we cash the cheque, we show them what they want to see. - Showgirls


Indeed, I'm glad there are people who liked that ending too. I honestly feel sad for both Allison and Jake because they have lost all their family because of that stupid curse and all they could do was have a quick dialogue before Kayako appears 😢

And it's the same effect as the original cut because they don't show what happens next, but it's highly implied that Kayako kills them both. Such a dark ending, but at least you don't see Jake's last moments lonely like the original scene. And btw, at least they didn't used that lame death of Allison dragged into her own clothes, and instead, you don't know what happens to her.

Does anybody got any idea why they really dropped this ending or why it couldn't have worked?

I can understand why American producers don't want it (as it would have ruined the chances to create The Grudge 3) but not from Shimizu.
