the gruge 2 (come on)

i love ju-on and i loved ju-on 2. i never usually get scared in movies but those two seriously messed me up. i still hear the death rattle of Kayato(?) every time i try and sleep. i even thought the remake was okay. that's for the first one, mind you.

the second was the biggest disappointment i've ever had, considering i love these films. it just wasnt even close to being scarey like the rest.

why, if they're living in japan, why do they all speak american? i'm not saying english speaking, i mean even the Japanese were speaking american.
in the first one at least they had japanese actors talking in japanese. can we not deal with a few subtitles every now and then?

sorry, but that really shat me.
also it wasn't scarey. maybe it's been done to death but that death rattle still gives me chills so i dont think so.

i dont know. i'd like to hear from someone who agrees... or disagrees, mweheh


i just finished watching this and i am embarrassed that i actually gave this a second go. the last 30 minutes ruined everything about the whole storyline/curse.. i'm going to have to get real drunk to forget that piece of *beep*

anyone reading get the japanese versions!!!


I think I might need some spoilers here. What was wrong with the last 30 minutes exactly?


I liked it. Seemed creepy and ominous to me.


I've watch all three in the last two days and in all three Japanese characters talk Japanese to each other when no Westerners are present, or or when one character doesn't know any English. What are you referring to?
