MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > Sleep Paralysis and Principal Scene: Sim...

Sleep Paralysis and Principal Scene: Similarities

Summary of principal scene (to refresh your memory):
Principal: "I've been to the house, with the police. Nothing's wrong!"
"wtf but my friends disappeared"
"no, they're right next to you!"

I have a theory that everyone who was scared the principal scene (including me) has experienced nightmares that build in a similar fashion. The basic formula for my nightmare is:

1. Indication that something is slightly out of the ordinary, but no explicit scariness. I think to myself, "this is strange... and not supposed to happen..."

2. The seed of fear grows and I think to myself, "something's wrong for sure."

3. Climax of weird scariness, usually involving being touched by a ghost or something. I feel a muscle spasm, like I'm being tickled but in a bad way. Then I wake up halfway; I can open my eyes but my main muscles are paralyzed. Finally, I will myself to move a muscle and wake up completely.

Please answer the following questions:
1. Did you find the principal scene scary?
2. Have you experienced nightmares that follow the formula that I outlined above?


I have actually had 2 or three nightmares with kayako in them to be honast, I woke with sleep paralysis, one time durring college we had a closet in our dorm simular to the first films, when you wake into sleep paralysis you can still dream and I saw her face in my closet, and when you cant move that makes that Sh!t worse lol, its like your body and mind are still asleep but your eyes are open its really screwed up lol. On the lighter side the one of the dreams I had kayako was on a bike so it was pretty funny lol thats all I remember about that dream really


Haha nice, I'm all too familiar with sleep paralysis and I totally agree with you.


I had nightmares for several months after watching The Ring and Samara crawling on the floor trying to get me! D:

~China Doll~


That scene was one of the best, with the photo lab being another one



Hmmm... First off, I like the way you think. :D

Second, I found the scene absolutely shocking and in my own little way, it scared me as much as horror movies ever scare me (which isn't much). As for my nightmares... well, I actually don't think I've had any like that. I can't know for sure, but the nightmares that seem to really disturb me usually have something to do with relationships and cannibalism. (Weird, I know).


I do find the part as she looks side to side and sees her "friends" are there, out of focus, to be creepy, and I guess it's mildly evocative of part of a sleep paralysis nightmare. My own sleep paralysis nightmares lack the first two steps you describe; I gain consciousness and immediately know that something is very wrong and that I'm in danger.

Check this out though:


I have had sleep paralysis, but actually this scene amused me.
When I have experienced sleep paralysis, it hasn't been at the end of a nightmare, so maybe that's why. When I had sleep paralysis,I was awake but could not open my eyes or move at all. I *thought* I heard my bedroom door open,and I felt as if someone was pinning me to the bed. I was unable to do anything. I eventually fell back to sleep, and next time I woke up I was able to move again. Weird and very scary. I also had some paranormal experiences when I was living in Japan, but sleep paralysis was scarier by far!

Rare Japanese Ghost Stories blog;
