Where is this scene?

I've watched this movie twice in a row now trying to find this scene

I guess I'm sneezing and missing it. Anyone know where it happens in the movie?


I actually DID catch this the last time I watched it, for the first time. I'm not sure if it was cut out of the theatrical version or not, but it was definitely on the DVD.. Though that may've been a deleted scene.

Either way, it took place either in Eason's home, or at the guy she and Eason went to see. Can't quite remember where exactly, but it's one of those two places.


i remember it
im not sure if its on the DVD or if it was on the cinematic version (they cut bits of the cinematic version out for the UK dvd.) but when she turns around kayako becomes a coat..


Thanks for the help guys however I still didn't see it.

I watched the scenes where :
Aubrey goes to Karen's house
Eason visits Aubrey at Karen's house
When Eason and Aubrey go to the guy that's into folklore
When they go back to Eason's
The scene where Aubrey goes to see Kayako's mother

I guess I'm just oblivious.


HAHA! Found it!
Around the 62:17-18 mark. I'd start a few seconds before and end some after, though. It's very blink and miss it. Enjoy. Will PM you the link on the off chance you don't come back to the topic.


Just in case anybody else was looking for this scene: It's only on the Director's Cut DVD, and it's when Aubrey goes back to Karen's apartment from the first movie.

"She's a constant reminder. I see her face; I see those scars? And I know that it's my fault."

