MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > how could anyone not like this?

how could anyone not like this?

it was awesome. maybe even better than the first. it had scary scenes, good acting & was suspensful.



true. saw the first ju on and yeah its like that


Just purchased it this weekend for $5.00 at Walmart - I loved it. I have Grudge 1 and Ju On 1 and 2 - all of them are great. This one was awesome and there was not one boring scene in it. I totally understand the going back and forth stories. It all fit in the end.


I loved it, seriously!! Thought it was better, creepier and more fun than the first but I still loved the first.



How many posts can you make saying the same crap...awesomely bad is how I'd describe it, the whole plot was stupid and contradictory because the whole premise of this somebody dying in a rage curses the place and all who enter are affected, went right out the window when they decided to turn it into many places that had absolutely Nothing to do with the original idea, that what had happened was in that house & those who went in were toast...not a gazillion miles away in some other country, affecting people who had Nothing to do with it. Why then, why not before? Starting with the missing cops from previously. And where did all these people disappear to? Everybody else's dead bodies were found.

Not to mention, this young girl, who doesn't speak a word of Japanese, & who's whack-job mother would send her there by herself, finds herself smack dab in the middle of some culture shock and should be lost...or at least started out that way, they couldn't even understand her in the hospital when she gave them her sister's name--how would they not know a name, for crying out loud...was suddenly getting around like language was no longer a barrier and finds some old country woman, in the middle of Nowhere, Japan, who could miraculously speak english, it was ridiculous. And we won't even go where if these ghosties could galavant around where ever they wished, wouldn't one of the first people you'd mess with be the one who put all these "evil spirits" in you in the first place? I know that old woman'd be tops on my list!

It was disjointed, convoluted, boring and downright silly...That's how people don't like it. The first one at least made sense, this one made none. I had to watch the end twice because I thought "That's It?!, it ended so badly. It's like they added a mishmash of ideas that had no basis or explanation.

If this is what you call "awesome, scary & good acting", you haven't seen but a handful of movies.



yeah but horror shouldn't be rated on plot cohesiveness; it should be rated on how much it scared you. it scared me more than any other horror movie


I was really surprised through the first half - it was ok - not terrifying, but a lot scarier than blood and gore movies. The thought of being stalked and swallowed into nothing was freaky. It turned bad when Eason died. He seemed like a character who would stick through, but when he died, it was like the writers ran out of ideas and gave up. It was like Eason was working towards some great discovery and them bam. The end effect didn't work for me. Even though there's a sequel, I found it unnecessary to kill everyone off. Realistically, the boy wouldn't have picked up the sweater he just saw eat the girl - there was plenty of time to run away and end scene. It just sponged up all the catharsis the last 30 minutes was working towards. Meh, ok I guess. I'm going to have to watch the next one.

It's kinda hard to teach a horse a language without a magic apple


I love this movie. the only complaint i have is SMG's character. I love her and I wanted her to be in the whole thing.


In one word:

