MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > Am I the only one who didn't like it?

Am I the only one who didn't like it?

OK, I loved The Grudge, love Sarah Michelle, but this movie was dull. The two story plot was totally miserable, too many cast members. WTF with the main role dying in the end, that was stupid, she died without even fighting, a bit clichéd, a bit boring and with a good cameo, but I would never give it more than 6 out of 10.



Put yourself in their shoes for a second. A ghost is killing anything that comes in contact with the house. How can you defend yourself from something like that?
It was a good movie.




I'm easily scared but this was a hoot!! come on, it might've been convincing if the dialogue was a tad better. i mean the end is so lame - mom, i love but this has to end - then, walk into the house with no actual plan and then die.. all the dialogue is so cliche - maybe a couple of the spook scenes aren't too bad but there's no sense in 99/100th of the movie..
I didn't like it at all - it seems as if they just got ideas for some 'the-ghost-is-right-there-but-you-can't-see-it,,no-now-you-can' scenes and put them together to make a movie ....



It wasn't badly made, but the whole movie seemed completely pointless. Like really pointless for a sequel. The story just went full circle and in the end nothing was progressed at all. Yeah it can now be outside of the house. Not enough progression though, and everyone who learned anything died so no one knew about it and the main character's death was less climatic than the others.


It wasn't scary and it had some bad acting. This is worse than Grudge 1 to me. I made fun of the movie, the whole time I was watching it. I found it hilarious instead of scary.


I think it could have been good, I really do. It is just so confusing, jumping back and forwards in time and between story lines. And then it suddenly makes a time jump in one of the stories. It seems as though they couldn't finnish a script, so they took three of them, mixed them up and added the Grudge ghosts. Why not base it on one of the sequels to the original the Grudge? But nooo. Why? Would it be a plagiarizing (spelling?)? Just call it a re-make, just like the first one!

The Grudge was a really good film that made me all tense even the second time I saw it. This crap will be filed under "Un-see if possible".


i'm joining you


The movie is dumb, because they just twist the story, so how the apartments people in USA can be curse if they never enter in the house, the movie starts good, then it lost it, they killed Eason too soon, because it was just stupid that the mother of Kayako speaks in English with Aubrey, dumb, dumb, finally the end was dumb too, so no one can stop the evil in Kayako and now it's spread.


i hate this movie!
sarah was amazing in her one part, but the rest of the movie sucked!



This movie bored me to pieces.
