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Things everyone can learn from watching the grudge 2

Now first of all .....all of this was posted soon after the movie was realeased and i thought they where hilarious so i copy and pasted all of them yes i lead a very boring life add some more onto this its hilarious

i dont mind if you repeat some or change them lol

im just here for a laugh

Things one can learn by watching the gruidge 2

1)If you encounter a spirit while trapped in a closet, don't wrestle to get the door open; just do repeated flat screams.

2) The grudge likes to tickle.

3) When making a horror sequel, there is no need for an actual plot.

4) Hair is a deadly predator that can eat you without warning.

5) If you see something suspicious like disappearing spooks, don't bother trying to defend yourself.

6) The Grudge can make its victims lactose-intolerant and/or bulimic.

7) Americans appear to outnumber Japanese people in Tokyo.

8) If a ghost child appears at your feet, don't bother trying to kick it.

9) If you roam down pitch-black hallways, don't bother trying to turn on a light.

10) If you come face to face with the Grudge's head in a photograph tub, don't run for it; Just challenge it to a staring contest.

11) You won't win the contest though (it neever blinks).

12) Girls in their underwear, teenagers taking showers, and young pretty people about to have sex are no longer just in "Friday the 13th" movies.

13) Sarah Michelle Gellar has eight lines and is still the best actor in the movie.

14) If you saw your sister die already, chances are that isn't her walking up the stairs in the Grudge house.

15) The Grudge can turn some of its victims into strange cookie monster-like mutants ( and sound like him too).

16) Old Japanese men like to play peeka-boo with themselves.

17) When making a sequel, don't try to be original; just rehash the same formula and recreate some of the same shots, opening narrations, and scares from the first.

18) If a woman patient in a psychiatric ward breaks out of her room as you enter, don't try to restrain her; give her a five minute headstart.

19) Likewise, if a group of paramedics see said woman patient running down the hall, just stare at her and see what she does next.

20) Hollywood is like the Grudge; it grabs whatever Japanese horror film it can lay its hands on and spread its curse onto it (a.k.a. it Americanizes it).

21) If you know a Grudge is out to get you, plan on seeing the mother of the Grudge tomorrow and don't go right away; give the Grudge a chance to get you first.

22) The Grudge can inexplicably gain the power to teleport people into its house when it didn't before.

23) Don't talk to the principal about the spirits of rage coming after you. She'll morph into one and emit foghorn sounds.

24. The Grudge is somehow able to make your concellour yell like a haunted train

25) Japanese people in a hospital, who would frequently be visited by Americans, will not understand a word of English; nonetheless, an old Japanese woman living in the middle of Japan away from visiting Americans will be able to speak perfect English.

26. you can be attacked by a ghost in broad daylight on a sidewalk (phone booth required), and no one will notice!

27. the grudge now has a second home in a Chicago apartment bulding.

28. If you hear creepy noises from the apartment next door, don't run away. Head straight towards the creepy noise.

29. Hooded sweatshirts are roomier than one would think.

30. Never trust your principal. She may just be Chewbacca in disguise. Garrrrrrrrrr.

31) Japanese ghosts are actually solid people wearing white/pale blue make-up

32) When telling three separate stories, make sure the one story that actually adds something new to the series and is most relevant to the movie (ie. exorcist story) is the least developed.

33) If a girl wearing a sweatshirt vanishes into thin air, the most obvious thing to do next is try to find hell...I mean, examine the sweatshirt to see if she is still there.

34)A little kid will hide in the closet when they hear their parents arguing, but will explore the neighbor's apartment when strange, creepy noises are coming from it.

35)Nagging at your wife/husband/gf/bf/significant others might get you a pan to the side of the head

36)If you really want to imitate that croaking sound to scare your friends, you must break your lower jaw first.

37)Toshio can never catch a cold

38)Don't bother saying to someone "stay here." They never listen.

39) The sight of a japanese woman in a corner can make one piss herself.

40) If you watch your friend down a carton of milk and then throw it back up, just stand there calmly watching her; then go home, comfort your brother, then go to bed.

41) never underestimate the fact that a so called " ghost " knows how to use a cell phone

42. If you are running from cops in a hospital and run into a group of nurses, the cops will instantly be distracted by the nurses and cease chasing you.

43. Covering your head with a bedsheet will not, as you might think, keep ghosts away, but it does serve a purpose in foreplay.

44. If you are a young child and you and your sister are in a dark apartment where you suspect foul play and someone may be there, your sister will instantly leave you alone to go check out the ominous noise in the bathroom.

45. The evil ghosts can cross oceans, appear and disappear at will and kill by staring at people, yet they can be repealed by taping old newspapers on the windows.

46. If you are being pursued by a homicidal ghost, the logical step is to run upstairs through construction to the roof of a high rise hospital building.

47. Grudge victims have a high fondness for dairy products.

48. If one day, you go to your best friend's place, she doesn't answer to you, and swallows a whole bottle of milk to throw it up a minute later, don't try to find out what's going on and don't go for help : just stay there and don't say a word and then, when your cell phone rings, answer calmly and tell your friend "gotta go" and go.
49. When a ghost appears before you, don't scream, and don't run for your life. Just hide under a desk or a blanket, so it's easier for it to reach you.
50. When a house is haunted, and dangerous, and with restricted acces, police will not lock the doors, and will put a yellow ribbon anybody can rip in front of it so anybody can come into the house.
51. Of course, the ribbon is higher than people's head so then can easily walk under it.
52. On that ribbon, you can read the english words "do not pass", those ribbons are never written in japanese even if they're in Japan.
53. You won't make the difference between a ghost and your boyfriend.
54. Americans who make remakes really think we're so dumb to believe their movie was good, the thing is they don't even explain what the *beep* the movie was talking about.
55. When you make tea and the person you made tea for falls asleep, just put both cups (yours too) on a table and don't drink it.

#56- You should think twice criticizing your wifes cooking while she is holding a pan full of hot grease. She has a double edged weapon.Once she is done pouring it on you, she also can beat you with it.

57) Crappy Japanese movies don't improve when converted to English
58) Weak blows to the head with a frying pan will instantly knock a victim unconscious
59) The Ju-on curse is apparently a communicable disease that kills some people quicker than others
60) And it's so contagious that it can enter the ear canal through a solid wall
61) Symptoms: Dark hair growth, lack of bladder control, increased difficulty in opening doors

69) If your sibling dies then wait three days to call your family about it.

70) And when you do expect your family to say it's all your fault. Also expect them to

say you could never do anything right and then end the convo with friendly "i love yous"

71) Friends can be so nice, they lock you in a closet with a evil spirit.

72) Leave Japan and you'll just be followed by the curse or the grudge lady.

73)Croaking noises are always attractive.

74) Next time you see a ghost lady, don't forget to ask for an autograph, for you'll die for another chance.

75) When you hear about your friend being gone and missing, call her.

76) Several shots of showering girls can be shown without seeing any skin; something that is almost never seen in a horror movie.
t;77) Good-looking boys like taking showers without their girlfriends.

78) If you tell your mother your sister is dead, she will immediately blame you and not question the cause of her death.

79) The formula for a PG-13 horror includes endless loud jump scares, girls in underwear and/or showering, and no actual plot.

80) Likewise, If a PG-13 horror makes one laugh more than it scares you, it is doing its job.

81) Where else but a horror movie would someone take two showers in a row (Michael)

82) Tokyo is a dirty place (hence all the showering in both movies).

83) When running from a Grudge, the confined space of a telephone booth is the best place to go to get away.

84) Nobody notices when hair eats people; it is a deceptive creature.

85) Miyuki speaks like she is dubbed into English.

86) If Kayako appears where your male friend was seconds before, don't try to run; give the Grudge a chance to catch you.

87) Fire makes ghosts spread.

88) Apparently, spirits CAN cross water.

89)if your dad kills you and your mom, he'll kill the cat too so he doesn't have witnesses.

90) you will want to hurt somebody after watching this movie, mainly yourself

91) reading about grudge2 on the imdb forum is more enjoyable than watching the movie itself.

92) The Grudge 2 likes to be like the Ring 2 and have the main girl go visit the mother of the ghost who is also crazy.

93) Just like the Ring, the Grudge's mother says that the Grudge wants people to "suffer the way she has suffered."

94) It is possible to get tired and sick of watching people die in a horror film.

95) It is always best for a horror movie not to have a plot (The Ring could learn something from The Grudge movies).

96) If a cat runs past your ankles in class, don't bother looking down to see what it is; just assume it is a cat and assume your friend is also seeing it.

97) Some ghosts are half-naked (with enough decency to cover themselves up a bit) and pale, while others (the original killer husband) look just like normal human beings.

98) Straitjackets aren't that hard to tear off, just keep trying...

99) When a diary which is crucial to the story of the film has eyes painted everywhere on all the pages, there's no need to find out what that means.

100) Don't say more than 8 lines in this movie or you will be killed!

101) Creepy blue asian kids do not appear purple when they are in a room filled with red light.

102) If your ever deveolping a picture and the water turns black and a creepy now RED asian girl emerges... Stare her in the face and wait for her to break your neck.

103) No matter how well you may cover your windows with old newspaper, and lock yourself inside your room. The Grudge can still be chillin inside your hoodie and implode you into nothing.

104) Old people likes playing peak-a-boo with ghostly creepy blue asian kids.

105) When you're locked in a closet and Kayako comes down from the attic to get you, she'll have somehow turned into Aubrey by the flashback at the end of the film.

106) You might be an all-powerful ghost intent on killing everyone who comes into contact with you, but you can't leave the house until someone sets fire to it, even if the fire is only small and causes no structural damage.

107) bacon grease is hot

107) If your child is a creepy, freaky killer, blame the mom (goes along for a LOT of horror movies, too).

108) Only the bedridden, awfully sick mother who has no contact with the outer civilisation and the hunky boyfriend have a chance at surviving among all the cast names.

109) Japanese actors speaking english will often butcher the dialogue and insert awkward pauses in their sentences, resulting in their pronounciation sounding like one of those electronical robot voices.

110) Your blonde, muscular boyfriend just wants to bang you, so if you think it's him gently tickling you under the cover... you're effin' wrong.

111) Bring a sledgehammer in case some mysterious ghost starts getting into foreplay under your covers.

112) Bitchy, blonde queen bees will never admit they were the ones who wanted to go inside that creepy house.

113) Ghost can board on airplane too.

114) Leave America now, chance u get cursed and haunt by ghosts of mom and son are very high since they have landed in usa.

115) When one first sees the grudge in a closet, it has Kayako's face; Later, when the scene is shown again, it now has Aubrey's face.

116. Not even hoodies are safe anymore!

117. If your in a nice hotel room and you think your boyfriend is under the covers doing god nos what to you...You are most likely to use a very sarcastic voice and say " dont do that(forgottenname) it tickles" and then huide there until you disapear

118.If you see a scary young blue boy under your desk at school, you will just look at it and do nothing???

119.If your sister falls off the top of a bulding and has a scary japense blue ghiost wrapped around her, you and your japnese english speaking friend will just stand there and look instead of screaming or doing something about it???????


This had me rolling but you really need to condense this down to the top 50. Great post.


Hahahaha great lists everyone made. I love going to movie boards and seeing these types of threads they are really funny.


Excellent post. I wonder how long that took.


Everyone added them on eventually

maybe you guys should pic the top 50 and we can repost them

there soo hilarious

pick the best




what happend to the original list? NOT COOL missing some funny ish like the onesmy friends and I wrote, i believe it wewnt like this, ahem
"When you start seeing randoom black pubic esque hair in your shower that dont match the carpet or the drapes , its time to switch your shampoo and conditioner"

" Peeing on the floor in your high school's lockeroom, when no one is around... well all the cool kids are doing it at school."


Um im not quiet sure i wasnt the original poster
i just copy and pasted it

"What is left of you to love"


I learned that Sarah Michelle Gellar can't fly... and I'm thankfull!

Been making movies since 1997.


Likewise Home-brewed, I also learned that sara loves being thrown off tall buildings. (remember scream 2)

remember guys YOU CAN'T STOP THE BEAT


If you see dirty water bubbling just stare at it for a few seconds and then not leave the house.

It is not strange to see a black cat walking around the classroom.

A scary Japanese ghost girl just took another girl away and disappeared from the sweater she was wearing. Your first reaction is to examine it.

You saw your sister fall from a high-rise hospital roof. Chances are she's not the woman walking around upstairs.

Hot oil grease isn't as hot as you think it is. You just sit there like a bird pooped on your head.

This girl should no better then to turn on the lights in a DARKROOM.


how about this one:

since the grudge doesn't seem to be able to actually DO anything, physically, to you... don't just roll your eyes and yawn after the fifty-millionth time it walks slowly down the hallway towards you... instead, scream like a banshee on crack, and dive headfirst off the top of a building.





I dont know if anyone said this but if you see hands pulling someone into a shirt, its best not to pick up the shirt.


Things everyone can learn from watching the grudge 2

I learned only one thing from the movie, and that is to not watch it again.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


and i learned the same, not to watch it again. and as theres going to be a 3, i know ahead of time to not watch it :)


Seriously? They're making a 3rd one?

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


yeah new writer and director.


Looking forward to SMG's appearance in the 3rd movie.


"16) Old Japanese men like to play peeka-boo with themselves. "
best part of the enitre movie.


ahahaha. i know this sounds funny, but number 23 was the scariest part in the movie for me. That "BUUUUHHHHHHHH!" sound. excatly like a real nightmare, freaked the crap out of me.


LMAO lol had me in stitches


you no what else is funny, this is the post which still remains at the top of the post list.......and its ripping off the whole movie......BAHAHAH

any ideas when the 3rd one comes out

"What is left of you to love"


"13) Sarah Michelle Gellar has eight lines and is still the best actor in the movie."


"And so it begins..."
