Batman vs littel slugger

If batman would fight littel slugger in his episode 12 form who would win?


Isn't anybody going to reply?


I am not sure but i THINK batman would beat littel slugger even if he was in his episode 12 form.



I'd say Batman.


That would be impossible because Slugger isn't real.
But if I have to say... Slugger. Much cooler.

Sorry About My Bad English


Lil' Slugger would have a field day in Gotham City.
But since he can regenerate and disappear, Batman would struggle, but I think he would win if he goes down Maniwa's route. And since he's a good detective, I think he would if he gets over any skepticism.


Batman is the exact sort of person little slugger would come across, being especially vulnerable after his parents death. or jason todds.
