Very stupid movie

What a load of absolute nonsense. This film should have been thrown into a real black hole and destroyed forever. The film is rubbish, with bad actors, silly story line, and all kinds of mistakes. I paid 25 cents to watch this s*** and I want my money back.


First of all, even if it is stupid (which it well may be) it's really rude to say that. I mean some of the people reading these boards work so hard on these movies. In fact some of us (myself included) were in the movie. Haven't ya ever heard of Constructive criticism?

How did you see it, though??? tell tell! did you see it in ohio?
It was only 25 cents?

email me at Thanks!



I agree w/ Julia. It is so rude to say stuff like that even if it is true. Some people should think before they type. And if some of the actors in the movie arent very good, you dont have to say it like that. and if some of them are actually bad, then they wouldnt have gotten the part!


I am very sorry if you were in this pile of crap but I had to say it was rubbish because it was. I rented the dvd from a shop and I did not see it in Ohio.


Are you sure you have the right "Black Hole?"


Yes, I am talking about Black Hole 2005! It is out on dvd now, probably in a shop near you unless the stupid black hole ate the shop and the stupid movie too.


Wait, where do you live? Cause Jackieboy (the other board poster) and I live in St. Louis. I'm pretty sure that it's not on sale here. Any info you know? How did it only cost 25 cents? Were you lying about that?

By the way I played Kaleigh (Eric's daughter) in the movie. Did you see me?



I live in Thailand and the rental price is 25 cents per day.



I thought the doctor's name was James and I forget what his daughter was called. His daughter was in about three parts, one in the house with his ex-wife, another in the car on the way out of town(or somewhere) and at the end when the doctor gets out of the helicopter. So was Eric the doctor or was James the doctor?


Eric was the scientist with an alcohol problem. Those scenes you mentioned-- that was me in those. yay. i don't know who the doctor was. Did that make sense?

the fact that you live in Thailand explains why you've seen it and I haven't. It's probably because it's sold there first and not here.



Okay, I thought that Eric the scientist was called Dr.Eric something or other because most chief scientists have a doctor degree. Anyway, he is the person who sorts out the electric creature and the black hole. How come you have not seen a preview of the movie? Yes, I remember you, watching the TV at home, chasing out to the car with your suitcase and then complaining in the car that the cell phone won't work. When Eric turns up in the van you leave the suitcase in the car, I suppose you knew that he would save the day so need of luggage.


Wow. I never even thought of that. I guess it didn't even cross the director's mind. That was really perceptive of you. If I'd have noticed it, I would have said something.

also wondering: is there any way you can buy a copy of the DVD (in English) and send it to me? I'd pay for the movie and shipping and handling. Write back with a reply.Thanks!



Hey Julia,
They have the movie posted on not available yet.but should be soon. Also check and look at thier monthly schedule might show up there within the next few months.


So far I have been unable to find a DVD copy of this movie for sale but I will keep looking. The movie that I rented was in a VCD format (2 discs).


Wait, where do you live? Cause Jackieboy (the other board poster) and I live in St. Louis. I'm pretty sure that it's not on sale here.

That's because it got sucked up in the black hole that was created in St. Louis.

I'm just a patsy!


Hi Julia, First, congratulations on this movie.

I think the reason why some people get so Mad at movies like this is because sometimes some movies really seem to insult the intelligence of the viewer.

Black Holes, Time Travel, Accelerators etc are scientific concepts that are generally misunderstood by most, but interesting to those who like Science and Science Fiction. So when a movie like yours comes along, we become excited and hope that the movie's story is at best accurate and dramatic, or at least, plausible.

It just seems to me that whoever was actually in charge of getting this movie made (the director? The producer? The money-people?) Had no concept whatsoever of what a Black Hole is. And adding monsters to it just screamed of dumbness.

For me, a good story about Black Holes would have to include the following: Takes place in a real lab (like CERN). Have LOTS of genuine scientific jargon. Get the "Realness" down first.

Next maybe for exotic fun, throw in some time travel wierdness, alternate dimensions, etc. It can be done, but only if it all ties together.

In my opinion, the premise to your movie was good. They could have saved the money on the FX and put it into better writing perhaps. Or at least consult with people such as Stephen Hawking.

A good sci-fi movie doesn't have to be all action, and certainly doesn't need visual effects. Check out a movie called PRIMER one day ( Extremely well written and well made. Its one of my most favorite Sci-fi movies (up there with Contact).

I have a question. As an Actor, are you able to point out flaws in a story for example? Let’s say you were about to do a scene and you knew that the scene made no sense for some reason. If you told the director or writer this, are you hated? Or no matter what, would your idea be completely ignored?

Regardless, I (and I'm sure other IMDB readers) wish you the very best in your career.


I totally agree. it takes alot of work to make a movie. Regardless if it was bad or not...ppl dont have to be rude about it.



all i have to say is i watched the whole movie wondering why they just didn't turn off the power seeing the thing was feeding off of it


This film should have been thrown into a real black hole and destroyed forever.

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


WOw - what a tight storyline, ironclad SFX, and a great premise! Oh yeah and got to love the stock 80s era "action movie music" score... I cant wait until the Director's Cut hits stores!


Ocn169 - LMAO



Hey I have been reading some the of the less than flattering scuttle-butt on this movie and I have just watched it. Apart from the gaping holes, bad acting, poor direction and poor cinematography.... What was wrong with it?? If you feel you wasted 90 minutes of your life, think again regardless any movie having a low entertainment value it is art and no matter how you see this leaving you with the feeling of wasted, time poor this or poor that on some level it still entertained because you watched it to the end hoping for the jewel in the crown, the cheesy end or even Judd Nelson's acting to improve. See you in the celluloid.


Wow, I can't believe people get upset by what other people write at a message board. If I though the movie sucked, why shouldn't I say so?


Don't worry, you'll make that $.25 back.


Typical Sy Fy channel crap. I want my $3.24 back!

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.


Well for sure the money wasted on this unmemorable film was send into a black hole. I never understand how they can waste so much money on such garbage which would have been better spent for instance, towards bettering communities or other more worthwhile things. Who gives these people the permission to waste so much money on hobbies/pet projects?!

However, I have seen worse films - Dungeons & Dragons is the worst I have ever see. The CGI was so bad they didn't even try to hide the defects on the DVD version. At least this film didn't rely on too much CGI, just a mundane storyline and bad acting lol

And for the people who were part of this film & are complaining..well, u got paid didn't you? I thought that was the most important bit!
