Sci-fi channel...

Did anyone see this?




I watched it the other night. I am a fan of B-movies and I live in St. Louis, MO, where this movie is set. What could possibly be a better combination?!

It was an absolutely terrible movie, and I don't mean that in a nice way. I was embarrassed for some of the inanimate objects in the film, such as the Arch and the St. Louis Science Center.

Like most cities, St. Louis has perks to attract movie productions to the city. I so hope that the city did not seek this movie out. If I find out this was the case, I may have to initiate a recall election. (Okay, that part is not true since I don't actually live within the city limits.)

It's a cheesy sci-fi movie so I don't expect much logic or much of the situations to be based in reality. But this movie had NO logic.

The one thing that truly cracked me up were the scenes of traffic trying to "escape" the city. Traffic looks like that every day so I guess that part is slightly based on reality.

Have a nice day!
