Sounds a bit familiar

From the previews on Sci-Fi, this sounds similar to a short story I read many, many years ago. I don't remember the name, or the author, though. In the story, this oil well fire extinguisher is hired to take out a laboratory accident. Not exactly a black hole, but, one end of a worm hole. The other end is out in some point in space, so air is rushing into the hole. After enough time there won't be enough air on the planet to support life. So, first he takes a nuclear device to the worm hole in the hopes that the implosion will close the hole. Which fails.


So what happens? Does everyone just die?

"What would you do if someone actually understood you? You'd have to change everything."


Yes, it does sound familiar. Gregory Benford's novels "Eater" and "Cosm", if mashed together and badly acted, would produce a movie something like this.


I am in the middle of watching it, and it is actually a pretty good movie---very much an Outer Limits type of idea. Not what I expected at all.

Exciting film for this physics nerd...gotta get back to it!


Watching it right now too and its not to bad.



Are you kidding me? Electricity monster from out of a micosingularity, that is stunned by loud noises? Oh, and the dialog between Judd & Kristy is inane to the point of amateurish.

The only thing this black hole does is suck!


If Eater and Cosm were run through a blender by a very bad author with no knowledge of science whatsoever, badly produced by a similarly ignorant director, you might get something like this movie.


Reminded me most of "Locust the 8th plauge" & "Path of Destruction."
