MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > The ending of this movie has been greatl...

The ending of this movie has been greatly exaggerated (spoilers)

I mean, I know Andy leaves his toys to his friend at the end, and that he's going to college, but why do people view it as the saddest thing people have ever seen in movies or something? And I know plenty of friends that say they cried at the end of this movie. I'm curious as to where this came from, but I saw the movie myself back in 2010 on DVD, and not once did I actually cry during the ending, not even during the climactic scene in the furnace where the toys were holding hands as if they were about to accept their fate before the aliens saved them. But honestly, I cried at other things except this movie.


The Toy Story franchise represents childhood to most people. The toys being nearly killed and then given away was as if their childhood had officially ended.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


Maybe it's just the saddest thing they've had to deal with in their short lives  I don't understand it either.




So? As I said, I saw this movie with my brother and mother before, and not once did I shed a tear. It's almost as annoying as hearing about the ending for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for the PlayStation 2 again and again and again.



Well, you're right! I have no friends, not in real life!


I don't know... Just don't make me remember the ending, too painful for me to watxh :'(


Why? I didn't cry at it at all, unlike the rest of you cowards!


U're embarassing urself,idiot


You'll understand someday...

"So long partner"...

Men love in haste but detest at leisure. Hatred is by far the longest pleasure.


So? I wish all of you would shut up about this movie's ending. I did not cry.


why are you so angry about not crying, u mad bro?

Men love in haste but detest at leisure. Hatred is by far the longest pleasure.


I don't mind crying... But you people won't shut up about this! Just like killing the Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3!


So the repetitive topic ticks you off? That a very low tolerance level you have there...

Men love in haste but detest at leisure. Hatred is by far the longest pleasure.


This may come as a bit of a shock, OP, but learning to accept that people are all different is the mark of maturity. You cried at certain things, your friends cried at other things. The only thing weird about this thing is that you can't seem to comprehend the possibility of other people finding things more touching to them than they are to you.


Are u retarded or sumthing?
Some ppl cry, some ppl not. Gotta be MAD about this? And being rude replying to the replies, even called one of the repliers 'coward?'?
We ppl cant stop talking about this, u said? U started this thread in the first place u MORON!!! We replied we responded to ur stupid thread and this is your way to say thanks?????
Hahahaha what an idiot


*some ppl cry, some ppl dont


Because you people started this whole "Toy Story 3 is sad" *beep* in the first place! And some douchebag on Pinterest said if I didn't cry at Toy Story 3 I must be heartless. That's *beep* I saw the movie myself, and I didn't cry at the end!


Its called OPINION ok?
U can deal with that huh?
Go get a life


Lol this thread was a nice read.


Retard, the op be stated it's just annoying when people say you're heartless or you have no soul over not crying on A frikkin movie.


For me, it's not a sad ending.
It is however an emotional ending, and yes it makes me cry.

The ending symbolizes all kinds things. Andy growing up, letting go of his childhood, accepting the fact that his friends (read: toys) are now better served being with someone else, and realizing that in order for both him and them to fulfil their respective lives he has to let them go.
Take your pick, the end scene drops all of this upon you, the viewer.
Basically it deals with separation and independence, in a profound way.
It's not sad, not at all, just very very emotional.

If it doesn't make you cry that's fine, but all of the above is why it makes me tear up.


But still, what really pisses me off is people saying, "Oh, wait till you watch it, you're really going to cry!" or "If you don't cry you have no soul!" And other ridiculing things to taunt me about this godforsaken overrated POS.


Just disregard those people that are ridiculing you. At anything, not just about this particular movie.


I didn't cry either, but it was still an emotional moment. Some people cry, others don't. There's probably plenty of things that you've cried over that people laugh at. You know, like when you cried because you didn't get your way as a 5 year old.




But honestly, I cried at other things except this movie.

What other things made you cry?


I don't know... I rarely cry at things anymore.
