MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Bonnie will grow up someday too

Bonnie will grow up someday too

If this movie took place in 2010 we can assume that Bonnie must have been about 4 at the time which would mean she is 8 now. At this point she's probably already outgrown the toys and into ipads and cell phones.

What happens after Bonnie grows up? The toys go back to the daycare?



Then Bonnie can give them to another kid. Perhaps the next one will be named Charlie. Then Derek and Elaine and Fred...


It's just proof that life goes on. Eventually that day will come, but in the shorts for now, she seems perfectly content putting them in her adventure stories.

One has to look at the end of TS3 as simply, 'nothing lasts forever.' Andy couldn't be a little boy forever. It's a fact that parents will all deal with.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


The point of the movie isn't that everything is fine because they have Bonnie as an owern.

The film is largely about them accepting that we all have to move on in life and everyone will eventually have to face death (hence the incinerator scene).

Eventually they'll all end up in a junk yard at some point but that's OK because that's life.


Eventually they'll all end up in a junk yard at some point but that's OK because that's life.
Which is worse than our fate because we at least eventually die. i believe in Heaven so I am good either way. But even in the junkyard they will live on. Very sad for the poor guys.


in the junkyard they will live on

I think the giant shredder and incinerator might kill toys. Just maybe.


They probably will go back to the day care since it is a safe place now.


.....the great thing about these movies is they dont seemed dated. The cars are generic looking, the phones etc. So only a year or so has to pass. No big deal.


Going back to the daycare makes sense since her mother works there. The daycare accepts donations all the time so why not?

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


TS3 took place in 2007 because Andy was 18 where in part 1 (1995) he was 6 and part 2 (1999) he was 10.


He was 7 in 2 I think


True, plus that, who's to say that Bonnie won't grow up to be like Emily. Getting rid of them after reaching her adolescence??

They were probably better off in Andys attic.


At 8 or 9, she's still young enough to enjoy toys. It's not she's a teenager yet lol.

But then again............... If you're refering to this time period, you may be right. Since kids are mostly into electrnic toys :/


They were probably better off in Andys attic

Eventually they still would have ended up in a daycare or with some other child when Andy or his mom cleaned the attic.


Maybe she'll find a child to leave Woody and the gang to.

Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Metallica love My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic


Then Bonnie's mom would put them back in the day care and live happily ever after with Lotso being gone :)
