MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Why didn't Daisys mom notice the toys be...

Why didn't Daisys mom notice the toys being left behind?

Yeah I get she fell asleep at the park but how is it that her mother didn't bother to notice and take the toys along with her?
I mean its not like Lotso and them were out of sight, they were nearby.

It's just as her fault that the toys got lost as it is Daisy's


Parental negligence.

Besides, if Daisy lost a toy they can just buy a new one for her at the store. So they did.


That's True,
but why would she want to spend extra money to buy her the Same toys when ALL she had to do was be be on the lookout and pick up the toys that she originally left behind on the floor? Lol


Daisy's parents likely had no real clue about the toys' whereabouts until it was too late. The parents most likely figured that it'd make more sense to buy her another Lotso toy instead of driving all the way back to their picnic location. They probably figured that the original toys may have been picked up by another child.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


Daisy's mom is an airhead who is as blind as a bat. Pray you never end up on the same road as her.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


I wondered why lotso and the other toys didnt just walk back in to the house when they got back there?


Because he saw that Daisy had another Lotso and he convinced the other toys that they were replaced too. But I think whoever told him it was just him who was replaced was right.
