MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Anybody else think this is nowhere near ...

Anybody else think this is nowhere near as good as Toy Story?

I don't get the higher rating on here. I'd give Toy Story a 9 and this a 7. Am I alone?


I'd give Toy Story 3 a 1/10. It is my least favorite Disney film of all time. The ending absolutely ruins the movie for me. A better ending would have been this:

Andy puts his toys in the attic. There is a time lapse and you see the toys collect dust while frozen in a pose. There is a sudden flash of light and you hear a grown man say "Mom, where exactly are my old toys". The man finds the box and says "here we are". It's revealed that the man is Andy in his late 20s/early 30s. As he comes down from the attic he's greeted by a boy roughly 5/6 years old. Andy hands the box of his old toys over to his son and explains who each is while showing him how to play with each one.

This accomplishes several things the original didn't.

-First, there is a touching father/son moment which Andy never got in any of the movies given his absent father.

-The toys are reunited with their owner while he plays with them again.

-The toys are given a future with Andy's son who would have the same kind of wild imagination and creativity that could lend itself to sequels if they so choose.

Looking at the actual ending of Toy Story 3 logically, no boy would give up his favorite toys to some little girl that his mother kinda knew. Aside from the fact that they were boy's toys, he had no relationship with this girl to be giving her any of them, let alone Woody. My toys went up in my attic and whatever survived was passed on to my sons.


I'm sure there are a few people out there who would agree with you.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


I'm not a huge fan of it. The daycare storyline is annoying and Lotso is just awful.


My favorite of the three will always be Toy Story 2. My 2 cents.

"Guys, we filmed the wrong book."-Peter Jackson on Bored of the Rings
