MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Was Big Baby also replaced by the little...

Was Big Baby also replaced by the little girl's parents?

The movie is ambiguous about this part. We we Lotso's successor in the little girl's arms, but he claims that also Big Baby and Chuckles were replaced. Chuckles call him out on the fact that they only saw the teddy bear. Big Baby then wants to climb back up to see for itself, but then we hear sounds of a crying baby and Lotso drags Big Baby away.
Later Woody confronts Lotso with what happened that night, that only he was replaced and that he's been lying about that fact to Big Baby ever since. How would he know? Or did he just try to turn Big Baby against Lotso?
It's kind of an inconsequential plot point but somehow it caught my attention and now it doesn't let me go.

Last movie watched: Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Nope, only Lotso got replaced. It is a consequential point because it further establishes Lotso's self-centered perspective. If he can't be with Daisy then none of his friends can.


So then what was this sound of a baby crying coming from Daisy's room?

Last movie watched: Toy Story 3 (9/10)


She only replaced Lotso. That clown looked in the window as well so he would know. The crying baby was Big Baby because she wanted to go back inside but Lotso wouldn't let her. I think it was just an issue with the animation because you could barely see her mouth moving.

Zina ( The Original Princess)


I see. That must be it.

Last movie watched: Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Chuckles told Woody that Lotso was the only toy to get replaced.

It was pretty cut and dry.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


I was questioning Chuckles reliability as a narrator. But the issue is solved.

Last movie watched: Toy Story 3 (9/10)


No, Woddy pointed out that Lotso was lying to Big baby by saying that Daisy doesn't love him anymore, he was selfish.

If Lotso couldn't have her, no one could.


The interesting is, Lotso may have been right.

Why replace just one toy? Because that one is your favorite. So what Lotso saw as a loss of love for him, was actually a continuation of that love.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


Lotso was the newer toy so it makes sense to replace him. The other toys looked dated and probably were not sold in stores anymore so Woody and Chuckles were right, Lotso was the ONLY toy replaced but like someone said if he couldn't have Daisy then they couldn't.



Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.
