MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Andy's mom wasn't really going throw all...

Andy's mom wasn't really going throw all of Andy's stuff away...right?

It always bugged me that she made that threat in the movie. Would she have really gone in and just thrown all of her son's things away? Like, I can understand if she asks him to throw away stuff like apple cores and pizza boxes...but to extend that to ALL his stuff? Why? Molly wasn't going to get his room, that was already established. So, what, was she going to turn his room into an exercise or sewing room? If so, where was he going to stay when he needs to return home (i.e. winter/spring/summer breaks)?

Also, bonus question. If she had seen the toys in the trash bag (it seems she didn't), would she have thrown them out anyway or would she have stored them in the attic?


It didn't surprise me. My parents did the same thing when it came to spring cleaning. Anything that wasn't put to the side would get thrown away. She wanted to separate the things he wanted with the things he didn't so she could get place them accordingly.

Molly was getting Andy's room. She clearly said "Three more days and it's mine.", it seems to have been mentioned (off screen), that Molly would get Andy's old room after he moves out. I would imagine that they wouldn't just abandon Andy like that. Chances are since Molly's room is smaller, their mother will convert it into a guest bedroom for Andy and anyone else who spends the night.

She would have double checked with Andy IF she saw the toys in the bag since she knows how special they are too him. Since she saw the bag in the hallway she probably assumed that he filled up a bag with garbage and tossed it into the hallway.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


That's the one thing her and Emily have in common so maybe!!!!
