Deus Ex Machina

I hate endings that aren't resolved by the characters. It's an incomplete story arc: nobody grew from the climax...they're just rescued by outside sources. Should have had Lotso vindicate himself by pushing the button & save the day or something. But no, they were just pulled out by the aliens for a cheap "The Claaaw" callback. Still a great movie...but the ending was just "meh".



The ending was resolved…evil was punished.


Evil being punished? Is this the first time that's happened in the entire Toy Story series?


The climax isn't the incinerator scene; the climax is when Bonnie looks into the box and sees Woody. It makes the viewer look at the previous few minutes of the film in a completely different light. Woody has accepted that Andy is growing up and needs to leave him behind, and after some reflection, Andy understands this as well.

The ending/climax of TS3 is PERFECT; it provides closure and shows that the characters have finally understood that they can't try to hold onto things that are already lost. If that's not a resolution, I don't know what is.
