Ending is bittersweet

I'm guessing most people have seen this film but I just saw it for the first time on DVD.
Didn't cry at the end but felt sadness all the same because the movie and Andy reminded me of my childhood and how fast it went.
It seemed like only yesterday I was a little kid playing with my action figures and had a dog like Buster that could run a mile a minute and never get tired.
Then I blinked and my toys were put away in a bin, my dog liked to sleep all day and I was off to college.
Time flys by and this movie drove that point home in a beautiful and touching way.


My childhood was terrible I wouldn't want to go back there in a million years


Saw it for the second time just now. I sobbed my head off. I'm not ashamed lol, the writing is excellent. All kinds of people on this board are like, "I didn't cry, I didn't cry." Well, why not? Hehehe
