MovieChat Forums > The Aristocrats (2005) Discussion > People who find Aristocrats funny, simpl...

People who find Aristocrats funny, simply aren't.

You can go on about pushing the limits of taboo, exploring our perceived notions of tolerance or looking beyond the content of a joke to find its humour but the bottom line is that this film must be one of the worst ever made. It lowered my opinion of both comics (who seem to be narcissistic creeps) and Americans (who everyone hates anyway). I feel sorry for anyone unfortunate to have been seduced by the attractive cast (and attractive it is), spent money and taken more time out of their lives than was necessary to see this in the cinema. I urge anyone with a sense of humour to avoid it at all costs.

You have been warned.



*beep* all these people that say it's funny must be wrong!!!!!
We got to do something, I know lets write a review of a movie that we don't like, then try and tell the people that did like it, they have no sense of humour.... Yes that will work, everyone is bound to see our reasoning. NOTHING CAN STOP US

Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative.



...even the comedians said it is a pointless unfunny joke. But it was also quoted as being a "joke for and between comedians". If you dont have the open mind for the film...dont see it...dont buy it.




Really "straight" comedians like Bob Sagat?



chrisntay is *beep* and so is all godly relegion


go *beep* yourself u atheist sac of *beep*


I tried to *beep* myself but your mom kept asking if she could join me, so I boned her while skull*beeping*Jesus after he took a big hit off my bong.


oh...i thought it quite a laugh


Comedy for comics is like music for musicians--it's usually beyond your typical, middle-of-the-road types (who usually have inane taste in entertainment choices--hence Kenny G, Britney, "Friends", and Yakov Smirnoff).

It's not unlike the porno argument. If porn bothers you, don't watch it. If comics referring to eating placentas (old SNL bit: "Placenta Helper") or jokes about commiting bestiality or incest get you al engorged with righteous, God-fearing rage of one who's sense of good taste have been thoroughly affronted--hey, don't watch it. If you attend Bob Jones University or Oral Roberts University---hey, The Aristocrats is a movie should avoid at all costs.

BUT....if you have, shall we say, a flexible and open sense of humor, enjoy comics making each other laugh (man, I really dig that), and approve of really stupid concepts like free speech, and enjoy--no, make that revel--in foul-mothed humor...The Aristocrats is for you. Enjoy in moderation.



Get Spell Check too.....


This movie could have been good... if it was a 30 minute "extra" to something else. As it was, it was an overlong self indulgent snooze fest.


I don't know if it's really a question of "a sense of humor" or "an open mind." I saw this movie because I'm interested in comedy and jokes more analytically than most, so I loved the fact that the joke's punchline is actually terrible, and it is a kind of anti-joke. I wish I got to see more full versions of the joke, but Bob Sagat, George Carlin, and Sarah Silverman are hilarious.

By the way, why rag on Americans for this movie? There were definitely British performers who told the joke, and it isn't like Americans are to blame for dirty humor. And of course comics are *beep* That's why they're comics.



For the record not "everyone" outside the US hates Americans, I hope you guys understand mostly it's the more shortsighted of us that make such generalizations.

That said I can see the movie being interesting from an analytical point of view but for me it was just plain boring sorry :(


Saw this movie last night, and honestly, it wasnt near as funny as people said it was. Now, I understand it's a comedian's joke, but to me if its not funny its not funny. Thats not to say I didnt laugh sometimes, but overall it doesnt live up to the hype.


You hit the nail on the head! The movie is nothing but hype because of the cast. Just like Be Cool (seqel to Get Shorty) was.


Nah, Be cool was a bad script and a hunt for money.

This is a doc, it is interesting. Please don;t confuse it with a stand up show though, which most people seem to.

"Believe or suffer eternal torment: Thank you God, for all those options" - Bill Hicks


hmmm...i thought be cool was hillarious! and i thought the aristocrats was really interesting and i actually do find the joke funny, depending on who is telling it. my faves were bob saget and gilbert gottfried.


"...when i go outside naked, people throw garbage at me."


I think my favourite aspect of it is the way that the joke has to be personalised, its like a game or a sport for comedians, they start with the same set up for the joke and the same (in most cases) punchline and then everything in the middle is a test of there own comedic ability. It is nothing to do with the punchline really and the punchline to me seems to be there for the sake of it. Its not really a joke, more a common theme or situation for the comedians to work with and use to compare and contrast one anothers veiws of comedy.

"I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it."


it was *beep* hilarious



On the contrary. I found this movie to be quite moving. In fact, so much that it got me kinda hot in the theater. And really into it. The content of the jokes were channelling through my body to such an extent that as the movie progressed and the jokes got dirtier, I was getting hotter and hotter. So about a half hour into the film, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to act quickly!
So I stormed out of the theater, ran to the nearest talent agency, and I'm banging on the door screaming:

"Please! Help! Let me in! I wanna be an aristocrat! I wanna be an aristocrat!"

So in an italian accent someone answers: "Oh... sorry! We a techinnacra(t)!"


Nah, you didn't say it funny



If it lowered your opinions of Americans than I can definitley say this was one great *beep* movie.

By the way, don't you read about the content of movies before you see them? If it might offend you don't see it. That's what's great about this country, freedom of choice.

See Penn's letter about viewing this movie and you'll see:

Otto: Oh you English are so superior aren't you? Well would you like to know where you would be without us, the old U.S. of A to protect you? The smallest *beep* province in the Russian empire.


The joke isn't meant to be funny at all. And despite the cast, the movie's purpose was not to be funny. It was simply a "documentary" (if you will) on an old exercise used by thousands of comics to warm up before a (hopefully funny) act.

And it's ridiculous to judge an entire nation based on this movie. That would be like me saying that I judge all those who live in England by the incestuous relations of the British royalty.


Amen to that. I'm glad someone else realizes that this is a "documentary" more than a "comedy."


<---- He's just upset because his family were Aristocrats.

"Feel pain; eat pudding"
- Conan O'Brien


I can certainly see why people wouldn't enjoy this doco. I found it really funny - I don't actually believe it says anything much about British vs. US humour, and I'm disturbed people would use it in creating racist slurs...

Abject comedy isn't to everyone's taste, but it can have a purpose and a place, and vulgar content doesn't necessarily mean a joke can't be intelligent, witty or even socially profound! And that rather sums up this whole film for me - not everyone will like it, but don't condemn it out of hand just because it's dealing with unashamedly crass subjects.

Though you probably won't want to take Grandma along to see it! :-P


This is a documentary first and a comedy film second. The comedy part is VERY subjective (I'd go so far as to put it into the "niche audience" and "cult" categories), but it's meant to be a mental exercise for the comedians. It's a mental warmup and a kind of contest to see who can come up with the most shocking and horrible acts possible.

"You can go on about pushing the limits of taboo, exploring our perceived notions of tolerance or looking beyond the content of a joke to find its humour but the bottom line is that this film must be one of the worst ever made."
As a comedy, probably. Even if you find the joke funny, the editing technique is very distracting. I don't see it really working any other way, but it's still distracting.
As a documentary, however, it's definitely a fascinating movie. I only laughed a couple of times throughout the film (namely at that one guy with the Liza Minelli impression and the mime, both of whose deliveries were brilliantly inspired), but for the rest of the movie, I was simply astounded at how they managed to keep it going with new ways to horrify.
Oh yeah, and Bob Sagat was stunning.

"It lowered my opinion of both comics (who seem to be narcissistic creeps) and Americans (who everyone hates anyway)."
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that the part about comics being narcissistic is based upon the fact that comics made a film featuring dozens of other comics telling the same joke. However, if it's a documentary about a joke that only comics really know about, then who the hell else are you going to get?
As for Americans...
I can fully understand any negative opinions about Americans given the current state of the world (and the USA itself, for that matter), but if your opinion of Americans is lowered simply from watching one film about some comedians making an effort to be as original with an intentionally vulgar joke as possible, then you're more of an idiot than half of America's current population anyway.
If you find the comedians that the film features funny in their standard acts, then so be it, like them or love them to death, I don't care, but don't simply denounce them for their little inside joke.

"I feel sorry for anyone unfortunate to have been seduced by the attractive cast (and attractive it is), spent money and taken more time out of their lives than was necessary to see this in the cinema. I urge anyone with a sense of humour to avoid it at all costs."
Well, I simply downloaded it (which, according to Penn, is fine by him). I've watched it several times with friends. It's not a movie that I'll watch over and over again, but it's definitely one I want to show to people just to see their reactions and get their opinions on it.
You can really guage someone's sense of humor by how much of this movie they can take and what parts of it they enjoyed the most (if they enjoyed any of it at all).
And telling other people that they shouldn't see it if they have a sense of humor...
According to whom? You? Who do you think you are, broadcasting over the internet that you know EXACTLY what everyone else should find funny?
The film is in EXTREMELY poor taste, there's no doubt about that, but there are those that find poor taste funny.
What you COULD do instead is warn them of the film's extreme vulgarity, disregard of ANY limits, and true purpose (which is to be a documentary, by the way).
Let them decide for themselves instead of being judgemental, rude, and prejudiced, which you really should stop doing before you offend someone in person.

And on a final note, I'm an American and proud to be one. I don't own a single American flag and I'm downright furious with the current American government and the extremist conservatives who support them. I'm also very irritated with the extremist liberals who fight them.
I love this country for what it truly stands, not for what people have been twisting it into for their own selfish purposes.
I never had any respect for either of the Bushes, but to give you an idea of how American George W. Bush is, he called the Constitution "a god damned piece of paper." (source:
Don't judge millions based upon your narrow scope of information.


I don't think that I could have said it any better. People need to understand this documentary for what it is and laugh at the versions that grab them.

I feel that the best way to describe the varied reactions to this movie is the part within the movie that goes into the issue of who tells what parts. The parts that are told by the comedian are a reflection of that comedian.

Based on the comments that I have seen posted I think the same can be said for the viewers.

All I can say is that this movie showcases some of the funniest comedians showing why we enjoy them so much and was put together by a brilliant group who have been known to really pull back the curtain and show that what the wizard really is.


Kudos Mujah. As a non-american I can easily agree with all of your points on the nationalist issue.
Also, I find it very interesting that even within the people who really liked this movie there is great variance in which versions people found the funniest. I liked almost all of the movie, both as a documentary and as comedy, but I'd almost be disappointed if everyone shared my view.


Since I posted that, I've watched the movie with two seperate groups of people, and I'd definitely recommend re-watching the movie multiple times with different people to anyone who can stomach the movie. It's one hell of a conversation piece. ^_^
That, and you get a bit of an insight into their senses of humor.
The more I watch it, the more important this movie seems to become...


Finally, someone who made sense of all this!!!. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Personally, I had high expectations of this film, and did not find it all that great. The editing was very shabby, but overall, the bits and pieces that were original made it worth owning it. I found Andy Dick's pieces quite odd and original. Don't forget George Carlin's story as well. I was laughing in tears.

Yea, i always wonder why politcs get involved in movie discussions. Mujah, you are right, every country has it's problems, and though i agree with your views of our current situation of the U.S., doesnt mean someone can go off on America as a whole..or Britian, China, etc. etc. for that matter.

Excuse me of the typos, as i am loaded on cold/sinus/allergy meds due to sickness and a little loopy.



C'mon! Get real dude!
This is the most poor example of a documentary, without any saving graces whatsoever. Please do not justify it as something that it is not. How on earth could anyone try to utilize this waste of film as a tool to get reactions. This work is completely pointless and needs to be assessed as its content. As far as a medium that is distributed to pop culture, there is a responsibility that should be addressed. Lets stop condoning the production of irresponsible trash that perpetuates triviality of abuse.


Its saving grace is the saving grace of any documentary: it gives you a glimpse into something you want to know more about. I don't watch documentaries for kicks. Most of the time, documentaries aren't something I buy to watch over and over.
It's an amateurly made film, sure. Amateurly directed and edited. There wasn't really much else to do, since it was all completely improvised based upon a concept, and the people who directed and edited it had (according to this site) no prior professional experience in their fields.
Hell, it was practically part home movie.

Let's say you and your friends, dozens of them, have an inside joke. An inside joke that each of you put your own unique spin on, and all of you love it so much you decide to take a MiniDV camera and record each individual interpretation of it.
Not many other people will get your brand of humor, but that's why it's a bit of an in-joke. Of course, you know that those that aren't in the group yet DO get it are the kinds of people that you share that sense of humor with.

It was definitely disappointing, I'll give you that much. I expected more complete renditions of the jokes, but given the number of comedians they were trying to include, they tried to make good with what they could. I'm hoping to get the DVD soon so I can see all of the extra footage.
You seem to think that the film was a waste because you didn't find it funny. I think that it's fascinating, even the parts that I didn't find that funny (which is a lot after you get used to most of the more generic interpretations of the joke).
Putting all brands of humor and tastelessness aside, this is a glimpse into the thought processes of dozens upon dozens of superstars that have become famous for exactly that: their thought processes.
These people are famous for their ingenuity.

It baffles me how many people are completely missing how much of an insight this film offers the viewers, and I'm not giving credit to the filmmakers here, I'm giving credit to the comedians. Every comedian does the joke in their own distinctive style, improvised on the spot. Every time you hear the joke from a different comedian, it has their own personal stamp on it (if they've done it properly).
That's what makes this film significant. Not only do they show you this joke that they've kept amongst themselves for decades, but by showing it to you from so many different comedians, you learn to gain insight from the way each one presents that one joke into the entirity of their career.

As for responsibility...
It was released in a VERY limited run in theaters. It goes out of its way to make sure people know that the film is stunningly obscene. It has the big ol' "R" symbol on it that lets everyone know that the movie isn't intended for anyone under the age of seventeen.
In what way is it being irresponsible?
If they were trying to manufacture it as your average comedy compilation film, then maybe that argument would have some merit, but what you're leaning towards is just plain censorship.
I love shock humor. It's not for just anybody, but I'm part of the "not just anybody" crowd when it comes to this kind of humor.
I didn't find most of the film funny at all, but I still found it very interesting.
Trash? Maybe, but it's definitely not being irresponsible.
What do you prefer, McDonalds or Burger King? The O.C. or Friends? Take your pick. Either way, you're choosing trash, but everyone likes their own kind of trash. Not everyone can be on the calibur of Kubrick or Kurosawa or Scorsese or whatever other industry-alteringly phenomenal director you want to point out.
Here, they produced something they liked, something they thought other people would like, and guess what?
There were other people that liked it. There were even people that appreciated it, appreciated that they didn't get paid for this project, that they just flew around for a while and asked all of their friends to talk into a camera, that they put time and effort and their own money into this project to share their little mental exercise with the rest of us.
It may not be well-made, it may be in extremely poor taste, and it may not be picked up by the Criterion Collection, but it's something that I enjoyed.
Insult it and everything about it, sure, but when you bring censorship into the picture, you're crossing a line.

By suggesting that something shouldn't be publicly distributed/sold just because you don't think it's good enough, you're taking the stance of the self-righteous idiot who thinks that all of society's problems can be solved by getting the "trash" out of the media.
You think this shouldn't ever be made? How about Grand Theft Auto? How about pornography? How about the Friday the 13th film series?
Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't be allowed to watch. I don't think any of the three things I mentioned are that fantastic (and I don't care for the Jason films in the least), but they're something that I should have the right to be able to purchase and watch if I so please.
"A responsibility that needs to be addressed" when it comes to "a medium that is distributed to pop culture?" Who the hell do you think you are to say what their responsibilities are?
I don't find the responsibility to be in their hands, I find it to be in mine. It's MY decision to purchase something like this. It's MY decision to watch it. It's MY responsibility to get some information on it before I proceed with the above actions.
If I had kids, it would be MY responsibility to make sure they didn't see this until I considered them to be old enough.

And what bothers me the most...
"Lets stop condoning the production of irresponsible trash that perpetuates triviality of abuse."
This sentence completely exposes how pretentious you are. Firstly, you seem to have only a loose understanding what the words you're using actually mean.
You use "condone" in a fashion that implies that you know what's best for everyone and that they should know better than to act as they do.
You once again call this film "irresponsible trash." Obscenity is not irresponsible. It may be trashy, but it's not irresponsible. How it's handled and whom it's exposed to is where the responsibility lies.
And the part that got to me the most, out of this entire sentence that bothered me the most?
"Perpetuates triviality of abuse."
So you're saying that:
1. This movie is abuse.
2. This movie trivializes abuse, as though we should all be concerned about getting desensitized to a dirty joke.
3. We're perpetuating the "triviality of abuse," as though we're all horrible villains who are going to be the downfall of society because of our sick senses of humor.
I find that sentence to be more offensive than you probably found the entire movie to be, or at you more offensive than the notion of people liking this film is to you.
You're saying that my sense of humor, which I put limits on according to the company I'm keeping at any given moment, is something amazingly important and that by enjoying sick jokes, I'm being irresponsible as a human being?
I'm sick and twisted when it comes to my entertainment. I love gory horror movies, I love disturbing films, and I love demented and obscene humor, but I'll be DAMNED if I'm not a good person!
With all of the people I've known and helped in my life so far, with all of the time and money and willpower and effort I've put into helping people without expecting any reciprocation beyond a "thank you," I find it EXTREMELY insulting that you're being so condescending and arrogant as to suggest that we should all just stop watching things like this because you don't think it's good enough, and that you go as far as calling us irresponsible.

I'm up for a good debate any day of the week, but when I'm told to "C'mon! Get real dude!" about a movie that I like by someone I don't even know who then proceeds to insult everyone who likes the movie like they're idiots, I get a little pissed off. But that's the thing, isn't it? You can come on here, insult us, and then move on like nothing happened. If we get mad, you don't have to deal with it.
Now we can deal with people like you and be COMPLETELY powerless to do anything about it. Hell, if you can't think of something to counter this tirade, no worries! You don't even have to stand up for yourself properly anymore and defend your opinions, you can just run away from whoever you've pissed off enough to prove you wrong and put them on ignore.
Isn't the internet a beautiful thing?
Swapping opinions on these boards is one thing, but thinking you're better than everyone else is another entirely.
Check that at the door next time.





Erm... Go where? If there was supposed to be a link, it didn't work. =\


Now I warn you not to listen to that tool. Yes, if you are a p*ssy with a weak stomach I recommend you avoid this movie; you will not end up sitting through the whole thing. I paid $8.50 at the only theatre in a 20+ mile radius that was playing it, and I thought it was worth twice that. I laughed so hard I couldn't believe it. I was laughing so hard and so often I started to get a headache from IICP. Maybe Justin would have thought it was funnier had he not gone to the cinema in panties and heels.
Attractive cast? Really? Well, I guess anyone with straight teeth would be attractive to you people.
