MovieChat Forums > The Aristocrats (2005) Discussion > I would've been shocked by this movie bu...

I would've been shocked by this movie but then I just watched Idiocracy

I would have rather been shocked by the fact that all these comedians like robin Williams who has played such roles like Patch Adams and we think of him as a comedian with a human side indulge in such a joke.
The fact that so many people find it funny would have been shocking but then I just watched Idiocracy.
I think if Mike Judge had seen this movie, then I am sure that "ASS" would not be the highest running movie it would have been "The aristocrats".........oh no not this movie, but the actual act. The talent guy going into the agents office.
And instead of the same movie being played over and over again, directors would be making this movie and trying to out beat each other.

Man I just lost a lot of respect for so many comedians who featured in this movie.
What I was wondering is does the mime have any family. I wonder what his family would think after they watched it.

This has to be the most dumbing down of the population. Dumbing as in not of intelligence, but an attempt to destroy any kind of respect for your family member. Anyways we have lost all respect other human beings, but this an attempt to make us lose all respect for our family in the name of comedy.

Oh its funny, where is your sense of humour. Seriously you need to listen about a mother *beep* his 9year old daughter to get a laugh.

Even in the days when just saying dick was funny, we knew what kind of people found it funny. They havent changed they have just gotten more "dumber" thats why they need the dick with the *beep* and the incest.

It is just like the they laughed of "he just dick hahaha"
Now it is "he just said he *beep* his mother in the *beep* hahaha" and it is legit because he was saying aristocrats.

I think I should stop. All of you find this joke funny just say it to your family, your mother and sister especially in first person.


Kkharma.......If we only told jokes that we thought would be safe to tell to anybody...

...Then there would be nothing but Knock-Knock and Why-Did-The-Chicken-Cross-The-Road jokes.

There's nothing wrong with sick jokes. It's a matter of the audience, not the joke itself.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?



Did you watch the movie??
The pregnant female comedian was saying it in first person.
She says that her husband screws in the vagina and her unborn child is giving him a blowjob from inside!!
She is even making hand actions when saying that.

reply, that's funny.

Lenny Bruce was telling filthy jokes sixty years ago when people weren't allowed to do so. He was a very intelligent man, and judging by your grammar and spelling and syntax, much smarter than you.

Who are you to denigrate an entire population of folks who enjoy dirty humor? What pedestal are you standing on? Oh don't make naughty jokes abour your family. Well, give yourself a big pat on the back.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go *beep* my mother in the ass while making my nephew watch and jerk off.

"Why? What's the significance? I DON'T KNOW!" - PW Herman


Two thumbs up to the OP


I don't think you actually understood "The Aristocrats" or "Idiocracy".

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that has got to be the most ironic thing i have ever read.
