German sentences (spoilers)


Does anyone knows (maybe some german folks around? :) what did Mrs. Muller say when she fell off the stairs? Was it something related to the guest or only for her dog?


nothing important. She just said that she had headache and then following sentences:
when did you arrive?
"I've been waiting for you.
I can't be on my own.
if you go away, I would denounce you."
I think she's only being delirious since she's about to die...hopefully it helped you ;)


I think those are VERY important, well, not important, but significant sentences.


if you go away, I would denounce you."
I couldn't make out the other sentences, but she said "Ich werde dich anzeigen" which means "I'll report you to the police".

Chaos reigns


I thought I heard 'zeige dich an', which is still basically the same thing except since its a separable verb and I heard it separated, means 'werde' (grammatically speaking) shouldnt/couldnt have been there. So it was in the present tense?

Obwohl, Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache so vielleicht falsch bin ich?

Im a language nerd and when she was speaking, I got as close as I could to the speaker to hear her, aber es war schwer - Favorite Films Of Every Year 1900-present


"Ich werde dich anzeigen", "I WILL report you to the police", is more of a threat. Watch it buddy, I'll go to the cops and see who's laughing then.

"Ich zeige dich an" is closer to announcing what will happen. I go to the police to report you.

I should listen to that scene again to figure out what she said, but I'm pretty sure it was "Ich werde dich anzeigen".

Chaos reigns


I just listened to it again and she does say 'zeige dich an'. - Favorite Films Of Every Year 1900-present
