
Well I saw this movie yesterday, and think, that I missed some
pices of the plot. Maybe this was due to some language issues,
maybe it was left open by intention to give room for speculations.

Things I would like to disscuss or be enlightened about:

1. Martin has been locked in the basement by his wife, right?

2. How did he get out to "visit" Felix ? The hole to Felix
basement was not yet open.

3. If he didn't get out, just stayed there in the tunnel, what about
the "visitor" in Felix house? This is probably something left open
for discussion.

Thanks for any input



Have you also noticed that both women are listed in the end credits to have been played by the same woman, Monica Lopez?!

But sorry, no answers, just more questions!


Well, I guess I got some answers...

1. Right.

2 and 3. I think he did not get out to visit Felix. He was locked down in the basement AFTER the visit to Felix house. In his visit, he gathers information about the house (and the basement... the house has a basement, right?) and when he goes back home and starts the expedition, his wife locks him down. The reasons why she does so could start another thread... although those reasons are explained in the movie.

The fact that Vera and Claudia are played by the same actress should lead us to other lectures of the movie... could the second half be a dream, a dream of possessive love...?


If you pay attention to the Day 1, Day 2, etc. notations you'll see that Martin visited Felix's house before he was locked in by Claudia. I think on Day 5 or 6 she said Martin was locked in two days ago, and he visited Felix on Day 2. I think! I've only seen it once. I think Martin wanted to see Felix's basement to see if he had figured out correctly where his tunnel was leading.
