Prince Philip

I hadn't particularly noticed Prince Philip's portrayal in this the first time I watched it. On a rewatch, he's hilarious! Almost every dialogue he has is a zinger. James Cromwell does a great job, and it was a shock to find he's actually American.



I completely agree!


I especially like:

"...Bloody Fool! And now your tea's gone cold."


"Have you seen the guest list for the funeral? A chorus line of soap stars and homosexuals."
"Something about Diana managing to be even more annoying dead than alive."


Lol, I love how he could make light of anything, no matter how serious the issue was.


I'd just seen James Cromwell as a caring reverend a few days before seeing this. What a contrast he is as Prince Philip. I enjoyed his performance.


'and it was a shock to find he's actually American.'

I always thought Phil was Greek!

It's that man again!!


The real life Philip is Greek.


Did the real life Philip hate Diana as much as was shown? If so, I wondered why?


Well, Diana was actively tarnishing the image of his son and the Royal Family as a whole. She was causing grief for his wife as well and she was not the girl that she led them believe in the beginning. He was very old school and didn't like that everything was becoming publish and she was a silly girl that didn't make the best of her situation.


The real life Philip is ethnically German, as are most members of various Royal families and houses across Europe.


I was talking about Cromwell


Unfortunately for mankind, as the so-called Vichy of French State (État français) and elsewhere, the so-called Duke of Windsor, following his so-called abdication in December 1936 was in fact that pro-Nazi fascist King Edward VIII. This King Edward VIII was very eager, and most inclined ideologically, to whole heartedly welcome the coming alliance, and world leadership under a Nazi empire, rather than maintain the softer gentler Brutish British dominance over that world empire. The faction around, leading fascist of the century, Winston Churchill wanted to continue that British Empire dominance, maintain control of Hitler and his Nazis to move east, thus finally destroy USSR (Russia completely) once and for all. Thus, King Edward VIII, who later became that little iron booth puke of Windsor, was removed peaceably under the convenient pretense (through worldwide media PR barrage) of abdication because of marriage to a loose American divorcée. Princess Diana was well educated as to the real pedigree of this planets most unholy family, at the time of her murder…Diana went through her own Gethsemane with supreme noble courage to get up and out from this inbred freakdom (Both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth are great-great-grandchildren of Queen Victoria) under the current Nazi in residence, the Royal Consort Prince Philip (Mountbatten), so-called Duke of Edinburgh. This pandemic virus loving, Duke of Edinburgh is (as always) working hard toward creating his reality of reducing world population to fewer than two billion.
