MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > OT-HOW DO THE BRITISH PEOPLE FEEL ABOUT ...


From the numerous articles in magazines and tabloids, many people feel that Duchess Kate is a replacement for Diana.

In part, that's true; Kate possesses the beauty, grace, and charm of her late MIL.

But do the English people love her as they loved Diana?

I feel that it is one of the world's great tragedies that Diana did not live to know her DIL.
I believe they would have been great friends.

In some ways, the marriage between Will and Kate is similar to the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah in the Book of Genesis: "she brought him comfort after his mother's death."

Anybody agree?


It is not just the British people friend. The realm is made up of many realms. There are a lot of us under the reign of the Queen, and equally affected and concerned with the Royal Family as it pertains.

Why is it that people shrink our great Commonwealth of Nations? The realm is vast.

But to answer your question to the best of my ability:
Kate is not seen as a replacement. But she is welcomed greatly by the people. She has handled the mantel thrust upon her with dignity and grace. I would not say she has her own "star power" as Diana had. But that is for time to tell. It will depend on how she chooses to represent her people. That is part of her job now.

"I am the equal and opposite reaction!" -Unknowntyper-


The mantel 'thrust upon her'? Ha! This is the mantel she and her mother went after like a pack of rabid dogs!


This is the mantel she and her mother went after like a pack of rabid dogs!

What on earth are you talking about?


I imagine that the poster means that Kate is said to have pursued William - and been determined to get him.


^Still makes no sense.


Stirchley - the second poster referred to Kate as "having a mantle thrust upon her". However, that's not the case. She knew Will for years, and had plenty of time to work out if she could handle the public position and status that marriage to him would give her. And some feel that she did indeed go after William pretty hard out of ambition, so she's hardly someone who has been pushed into a public position that she does not want or is shy of.


^Too bad a beautiful young girl cannot fall in love with a prince without people ascribing alterior motives for her behavior.


I think that anyone marrying into the RF is bound to have their motives scrutinised, unless they are of such high status themselves that it is clear they aren't mainly influenced by the person's rank.


By thrust upon, I am referring to the spotlight and consistent scrutiny she must now accept and endure. If she is willing to be a royal, she must take all that comes with it. You cannot become a state figure and modern royalty for the sake of the posh title and be free of all the expectations.

I am certain the the reality of the public eye feels more thrust upon that the idea of it beforehand. I don't care how prepared she thought she was.

Being a royal for multiple commonwealth constitutional monarchies in a moden era where the validity of the institution itself is highly debated, amongst other things is not some easy business. Far richer and more famous people have substantially less to worry about, in my opinion.

"I am the equal and opposite reaction!" -Unknowntyper-


Judging by past experience, whatever the press tell them they should feel.


You are so right. The British people will do anything the tabloids dictate, regardless of whether the Monarchy is popular or not. If one of the papers told them to collectively stretch a chicklet to the moon, the Brits would make the attempt en masse. They are that brainwashed.

In 1980, Murdoch's tabs fell in love with Diana because she sold papers, far more than any of Charlie's other angels, which is why he felt compelled to marry her. The press remained in her corner until well after her death, which accounts for the wariness the Royal Family feels towards the media now. Their mystique is gone and is largely buried with Diana, for whom Kate can never be a true replacement. If she ever puts a foot wrong or rebels as Diana did, the marriage break-up will come down squarely on her shoulders, not on William's, and the press and the public will let her have it.

The Windsor dynasty is riding high now because William and Kate are enormously well-liked (though not as beloved as the late adored one) and the Queen has remained a constant dignified matriarch for six decades. Long may she continue to reign. The people do not want the horribly aging Charles and the near crippled Camilla (whose own mother died of osteoporosis) on the throne, yet the great unwashed still cannot grasp the fact that the world never would have worshipped the goddess to begin with if he had not married Her Loveliness back in 1981. It wasn't just her beauty and breeding; his stature made her special in the eyes of the world and lent a genuine glamour to that remarkable beauty.

This was something that Diana (too emotionally damaged from a horrible childhood) failed to appreciate. If she had acknowledged this fact, Charles might have been more concerned with her emotional well-being and might never have given Camilla another thought. But the media and public had to kick the s--t out of him everyday from day one and this did not help matters. The marriage was doomed from the start because the newspapers (and the people that read them) were as ungrateful as Diana. Charles had given them the dream princess that they wanted, and as they say, no good deed goes unpunished. The Princess was more than happy to rub his nose in his bad fortune (and bar him from her bed at night) all the while complaining that he wouldn't sleep with her.

Books written by Penny Junor, Sally Bedell Smith, Lady Colin Campbell, and Robert Lacey all confirm the theory that Diana pushed Charles away, not the other way around. Lacey has revealed in his own 2002 tome Monarch that Diana boxed Charles's ears when he said his prayers at night, a painful reminder of his nightmarish schooldays at Gordonstoun when he was pelted in the dorm and prevented from getting a good night's sleep. Junor's new book on Prince William is out today on the market and it will reveal that all this crap everyone reads on supermarket shelves about Camilla hating Kate is garbage designed to sell rags and keep the Monarchy is disrepute. The day before yesterday we saw the U.S. networks go to town over the Jubilee flotilla, and they were at it again today. Americans still find the Queen and her family more fascinating than these crooked politicians we have here who have looted our once great country and left it in ruins after three decades of de-regulation.

Diana may be dead, but she has an unprecedented place in history do to who she was so ambitiously desperate to marry in 1980. She wasn't dragged kicking and screaming into the marriage, and neither was Waity Katey who stuck to poor Wills for nine years like barnacles to the ship's hull. This fact speaks volumes because Kate knew what kind of a family they were before she fell in love with William and she was already older by that stage than Diana was when she married Charles at the age of barely twenty. Imagine: waiting nine years to marry! If he were anyone else (even another European prince) I doubt she would have managed it. Yikes.

It was obvious that the Palace wanted Wills to make her wait as long as possible to test her motives and make sure that she wasn't an instant megastar like the young Diana, or interested in becoming an icon. The longer the courtship was dragged out, the more the media could feed the public month after month, year after year, during which they just grew tired of the relationship and just wanted a wedding. Whereas with Diana, the public wanted to know everything right from the beginning, then for years on end and never got satisfied, because to begin with she was just an innocent girl, albeit a very ambitious, well-bred one. The media was on to a winner and they milked the fairytale for all it was worth, killing the golden goose and long before that making life miserable for the dupe they had never had any respect for (even when he was a carefree bachelor) and hoodwinked into marriage in the first place.

If Charles had been clairvoyant, do you suppose he would have married Diana? Not likely, but if he had not, I doubt he would have gone back to Camilla. Marriage to someone like his second cousin Amanda Knatchbull might have prevented the royal catastrophe, although I think it was also a mistake for Andrew to marry Sarah Ferguson, a promiscuous, ungrateful bimbo if there ever was one. That's when things really started to go downhill for the Monarchy. She was as ambitious as Diana ever was and has paid as horrible a price simply for showing "normal human emotions", as the fiercely left-wing, anti-Monarchist journalist Julie Burchill once said in defense of her idol Diana.

Let's hope that Wills and Kate are a true love match so that the media cannot spoil things and ruin their lives as they did Charles and Diana's. Fleet Street must be sh---ing bricks because there obviously is no real money to be made with the happily-ever-after scenario they are faced with now. All they have to look forward to is Kate making babies and changing her wardrobe. No scandalous headlines and numerous boyfriends popping out of the woodworks. I think (and hope) Kate will have more dignity and class (not to mention good luck) than the tragic iconic child-woman who preceeded her, and at the proverbial seven-year-itch mark in 2018 Kate will be older than Diana was when she died. How's that for an irony.

God Bless Her Majesty the Queen. Long may she continue to reign. Even Diana could never have matched that. Amazing.


Kate? She appears to be lot saner than Diana, which is something.

The church may shout but Darwin roars


According to my very British boyfriend and his family, Kate is seen as beautiful and elegnat...but cold. She doesn't have that human likability that Di had. She comes off as very fake and frigid, so while she may be liked to a certain degree I doubt she will even attain the idolization Di did.


Don't believe in what your boyfriend said, I think she is much better than that Horse-Face Camilla, Camilla is a witch!

"Did you think that I would harm her?"-The Phantom


The funny thing is they said the same thing about Diana when she first married Charles. It was Andrew's wife Sarah Ferguson that was initially viewed as "The People's Princess" until she and Andrew broke up and Sarah was photographed getting her toes sucked by her boyfriend. Then Diana got more popular, in large part due to sympathy over Charles's affair with Camilla (kind of like Hillary got sympathy over Bill's affairs), but as was pointed out on another thread, Diana really only got popular by dying.


The British people are like any other people, that is, not one entity with one opinion. Some people like Kate, others don't. The media seems to be trying to make her into Diana 2.0, but she doesn't have Diana's warmth or work ethic (in my opinion). I don't think Kate posses "beauty, grace, and charm" as you said. I think she is pretty, but neither graceful nor charming. She has lots awkward moments were she seems to not know what to do, where to go, or what to say. She has trouble giving speeches, or even talking in general. She has worked very little for someone with two homes and a never ending supply of beige shoes. Ok, it's obvious I'm not a fan of hers. I also don't think their marriage is one of great love, more like she wanted to be the next princess of wales (yes, I think Carole and Kate pursued William) and all of the women Wiliam loved wouldn't marry him, so he settled for Kate because she wanted the title badly enough to put up with any indescretions. It seems to be a marriage of convenience more than anything. But this is just my opinion. If you get a Kate lover on here, that person will say that Kate is the most beautiful, stylish, regal woman that ever lived who works hard for her country, is a great role model for women, and can really accessorize.
