MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > Tony Blair not invited to the Royal Wedd...

Tony Blair not invited to the Royal Wedding - god bless your Majesty!

It's been pretty hard to get me interested in the Royal Wedding. As a fellow 'commoner' I can't empathise with Kate and I think the mystique of the whole thing died with Charles and Di. However the non invitation to Tony Blair and his wife was something they made me smile. Too right. We'd all like to know why - I hope it wasn't guff about fox hunting/the countryside and instead due to his lies taking us into war.


Yes, I 'agree'. At least Tony Blair stood up to his beliefs and he's right. What purpose is there for the Royals to be there, other than freeload off of insane commoner SLAVES like you?

I can see that these short-term royal 'marriages' are just despicable in order to continue their dominance and freeloading.


Yes, let's all mock the Royals because we don't agree with them, and not even allow their marriages to go by unscathed. Elizabeth stood up for what she believed and was right not to bend over for young modernizers just because that was the popular thing to do. I'm pretty neutral about Blair, but glad his harpy wife wasn't included.


"Elizabeth stood up for what she believed and was right not to bend over for young modernizers just because that was the popular thing to do."

What exactly are you saying here? What did she 'do' that was considered unpopular?

Actually, I do admire Cherie for speaking out and doing things (aka not curtsing)against this insane institution.

Anyway, you're going to be STUCK with Charles, who doesn't have mass appeal, anyway since you don't believe in picking a head of state due to merit.


Cherie was being uselessly rude and an all-around pill. Elizabeth stood up against displaying her family's private emotions in public, because slobbering over cameras is now more acceptable than being restrained.


I am an ignorant too about British royalty.
So I am very curious...
Please explian why is Tony Blair hated, why wasnt he invited to the royal wedding and why is he called "Cherie"?

I just want some clear reasons I dont understand the political reasons... I guess

Yes, I 'agree'. At least Tony Blair stood up to his beliefs and he's right. What purpose is there for the Royals to be there, other than freeload off of insane commoner SLAVES like you?

Well, I guess that is one reason isnt it?

(I donĀ“t get why people hate the Queen either, but thats for another topic)

Do you recognize my voice...?


Not invited for the same reason the Obamas weren't invited to Will and Kate's wedding; they are NOT LIKED!


You are wrong and wrong. The Obamas were liked by a majority of American voters, enough to be elected, and the Blair's and the Obamas and other heads of state weren't invited to the wedding because as second in line, WILLIAM'S WEDDING WAS NOT A STATE OCCASION, thus no heads so state had to be invited, unlike Charles' wedding. Also, since the Queen gave William control over the guest list, he invited mostly friends, family, and good connections. Nothing political about it.


People do not understand that William is not next in line to the throne. When Diana and Charles married she became the third most senior member of the household and next to be Queen. They think because it was Diana's son that the wedding would be on the same scale, but he is not the Prince of Whales nor next in line. This is all apparent by how they keep comparing and expecting the Duke and Duchesss of Cambrige to do everything like his mother.


What is reported is he is a NWO Globalist.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


Cherie's his wife, dear.


I'm glad Blair and his awful wife were not invited as well. Blair would probably have tried charging an appearance fee and his wife would have tried to dominate the whole day promoting herself.


that logic is ridiculous, stalin technically stood up for what he believed in, the IRA are standing up for what they believe in... if what you believe in is crazy then its not a positive trait.


Do you know the Queen was too busy to go to Charles's latest wedding,talk about a slap in the face.


So that's what leaders do, preparing for lavish parties.


The reports I read he is a NWO Globalist.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


William is not king yet. His wedding was not an affair of the State, so they had no obligation to invite heads of state in the way they would if William was getting married as the crowned king. Many heads and former-heads of state were not invited. President Obama and his wife, for example, were not extended an invitation.


If it wasn't an affair of state why did the taxpayer foot the security bill?

Your name is of no importance and you live in the pipe in the upstairs water closet.


You got me there... that was just the explanation I read as to why certain foreign dignitaries and heads of state were not invited.



It also gives the lie to their supposed political neutrality.

Your name is of no importance and you live in the pipe in the upstairs water closet.


Personally I find this 'Tony Blair is a War Criminal' bollocks to be extremely depressing reflection of the poor education this country has provided over the last 50 years
