British people

I have always been interested in the royal family...from what I see on TV and read in the papers they seemed to be very much loved...just wondering if that truly is the case? "Best thing to ever happen to us" Are you weird too?


I believe there is a difference between the popularity of the Queen and the popularity of the monarchy. When she passes on and Britain gets King Charles III, I doubt he would be as popular as his mother.


If Charles was smart he would abdicate the throne to his son. He gets look magnanimous and gets to stay out of the spotlight.



Charles probably won't use the name Charles when hes King, and yeah he won't be that popular but the popularity of Dianas boy (and that is his image, the "poor" who lost his mother) and his popular wife will balance out Charles' unpopularity. It would be cool to skip of Charles to his son but it won't happen the royals would think its a big deal to skip over, Charles won't give it up and William probably doesn't want that added attention for as long as possible.

These royals have long lives, it could be 20-30 years before Will and Kate become king and queen.


Not every British person likes the royal family. There's plenty who would like to see it all come to an end and the country become a republic. I don't like to see people born into privilege. I'd rather the Queen be the last monarch of England, and then see an end to it. The royal family's homes could be opened as historical tourist attractions, and we could make some money from them.


As Richwicz says, not every Brit is pro-Royal, but the great majority is.

This is a link to a series of opinion polls published in a major newspaper last year, with 66% of Brits stating they preferred a monarchy, with 17% 'don't know' and just 17% opting for a republic.

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


Be careful what you wish for. Ending the monarchy could end up hurting tourism more than help it. Many people are fascinated at the idea of catching a glimpse of royalty.


Be careful what you wish for. Ending the monarchy could end up hurting tourism more than help it. Many people are fascinated at the idea of catching a glimpse of royalty.
Exactly! The UK has it so good compared to so much of the world, it's just ridiculous for them to want to change anything at this point. And I'll bet you that the 17% of people who wanted a Republic are also well off, eating their nice food, wearing their nice clothes, living in their nice neighborhoods, just complaining about the wealthy. I found that it's people who don't know how good they have it that complain the most!

Compared to the president of the United States, for example, the idea of royalty is much more interesting and glamorous! Plus, the way they have things set up obviously works. Or England would be a third world country.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Losing the monarchy would be too much of an upheaval also, the Magna Carta would be null and void and we would need a new constitution, we would have to elect a president from the upper house. Basically we would be replacing a monarch with a lord.

Either that or we make the head of state and head of government a single person which only exists in dictatorships and the United States.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


The royal family does not exist as a tourist draw. If monarchists have been reduced to claiming the best thing about having a king or queen is that foreign people like to try and gawp at them occasionally, then the institution has no value (and the vows of its incumbents should surely be altered to include a pledge of allegiance to the London Tourist Board).


Not every British person likes the royal family. There's plenty who would like to see it all come to an end and the country become a republic.
That's already happened – it's called the USA! If you don't like the way things are set up in the UK, you're free to leave.And that goes for anyone who hates having a monarchy.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


And if you are so intolerant of people being allowed to criticise the ruling elite, you might prefer life in North Korea. Off you trot.


The movie tells us that 25% of the population didn't want the Queen in 1997. I think that her popularity has increased since then. I'm glad we have the Royals.


That's funny since 1997 also was the year in Queen istory that Princess Diana got killed (note I didn't say that she died but wanted to be specific) also as for Royals, Lorde, fron New Zealand, knows about aBOUT THOSE.

by the way, as a former owner of parakeets,including one your profile pic birdie's color, I must say that I like your name and pic!

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


Thanks for the complement on my user picture and name. I love the look of the forest NZ green parakeets which look bigger than the small budgies that I keep.

