Where to jump in?

I've never watched an episode,but everyone who knows my taste swears I'd love it. What is the best place to jump on?


I'd suggest the 2005 run with Christopher Eccleston is a good place to start. You'll be caught up in no time at all and you'll have an opinion on all a lot of things by the time you are caught up.

If you beast the lot you could be caught up by Christmas!


Thanks,that sounds perfect. I think this will be my winter show,but I'll spread it out.Idon't tend to over binge, particularly series that were intended to have weekly intermissions.I think it throws the pacing off. Dexter is VERY formulaic if you watch too many together,just for an example.


Best of luck with pacing yourself 😉

I'm sure you'll have a great time and I hope to see you on these boards talking about it all once you get properly into it.

Watch out for spoilers here though, even if you are all caught up!





Started watching the 2000 ones last year now up to the ones with Catherine Tate in and the start of season 4.
And they were on the W channel for me.
